Passing the time!

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Feb 25, 2011
Shelby Township, Mi
Ok, I had small bowel resection appr. 12 in of small bowel removed and little bit of colon back on Feb 16th. I have been recovering great! I am back to a normal diet. I am off work prob till 2nd week of April, my work is very supportive! I am getting full pay for the whole time I am off, had the Pres of the company calling me for updates on recovery. I work for a auto supplier in MI. To the point, I am starting to get stir crazy! I am normally very active, going to the gym and racing mtn bikes! so sitting around the house is taking its effect on me! My question is, if you have had sugeries, what have you done to pass the time? I can't lift over 10 lbs for another few weeks so the only thing I can do at the gym is cycle, treadmill and swim! I am off pain meds, and even have gained a whole 6 lbs since the surgery and feel 99% better than before surgery. Any stories that I can read will be helpful! Thanks! Billy
Hey, Billy.
Glad you are feeling pretty good. Your recovery sounds textbook! You didn't mention a stoma or anything so I am assuming that didn't happen? perhaps the stoma sub forum guys can help as they have obviously had some major abdominal surgery to deal with? Just throwing out ideas

No surgeries for me though, so can't help you there.

Hi Billy - there was a recent thread about just this topic, but I can't find it now.

I would work on a big project, like organizing pictures or cleaning out problems areas of the house, as long as it's not too physcially intense. Reading, of course, is always a good pastime. Can you do any light exercising? Like gentle yoga or pilates?

Good luck and let me know what you come up with - I'm off to surgery on Tuesday!

Hang in there -you'll be back to work before you know it! (And glad to hear your employer is so supportive - that's great!)

- Amy
Hi Billy - having my j-pouch removed and getting a perm ileo.

Sorry, I didn't realize that thread was all girl stuff. Not into scrapbooking, LOL!!!

Hope you find something to keep you occupied!

- Amy

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