I've been off meds since early 2006. I had a resection/appendectomy at my terminal ileum in late 04. I detailed my approach under "Your Story" subsection "Success Stories", under the post "MY Supps for MY Dis-ease"--at least I consider it pretty successful, though I may have symptoms every 3 months or so (intestinal symptoms never last more that a day, but arthritic episodes averaged 1-3 days in duration) usually related to dietary breaks or seasonal changes.
I just started LDN a few weeks ago just to feel like I'm doing everything I can, within reason, to stay healthy. I had a bout of sacroileac/arthritic symptoms that lasted longer, and was more severe, than ever before; this sparked my interest in pursuing LDN to complement my dietary/supplemental approach. So far, the LDN doesn't seem to be doing much. I've only been taking LDN for 3 weeks at full dosage, though.
In my case, I know supplements and diet did much more that pentasa/imuran ever did. Also see my favorite probios under the Diet, Fitness, and Supplements post: Probiotics.