Pediasure, Ensure, and Supplements stories

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Dec 7, 2011
I would like to hear anyone's stories who has opted out of medicine for dietary and nutritional treatment alone.
Hi Sarahmint, I usually just read posts here but I made an account so I could reply to you. I have used dietary/nutritional treatment alone and found that, although many doctors and also many Crohn's sufferers do not find it helpful, it was extremely helpful for me. I read the book by Jini Patel called Listen to Your Gut. She has a product called Absorb Plus that I drank for a while - I chose that instead of Ensure/Boost because they actually have a lot of sugar and corn syrup. The Absorb Plus is less thick than Ensure & Boost and while it doesn't taste great it's not bad. Then for a while I switched to drinking raw milk (I live in Canada but would drive across the border to find it). Jini Patel actually says you should drink raw milk if you can tolerate it instead of her product. I found raw milk much easier to tolerate than regular pasteurized milk. When I was flaring heavily I drank only raw milk/Absorb Plus. Once I started to get better I would do about half and half. If I was out and about I would eat regular food, at home I would have drinks. If I was particularly stressed/sick I would drink more and eat less. This routine (and following a strict diet afterwards) has worked amazingly for me and I feel so much better knowing I'm feeling better because of good nutrition and bowel rest rather than harmful drugs such as Prednisone.
Hope this helps
I've been off meds since early 2006. I had a resection/appendectomy at my terminal ileum in late 04. I detailed my approach under "Your Story" subsection "Success Stories", under the post "MY Supps for MY Dis-ease"--at least I consider it pretty successful, though I may have symptoms every 3 months or so (intestinal symptoms never last more that a day, but arthritic episodes averaged 1-3 days in duration) usually related to dietary breaks or seasonal changes.

I just started LDN a few weeks ago just to feel like I'm doing everything I can, within reason, to stay healthy. I had a bout of sacroileac/arthritic symptoms that lasted longer, and was more severe, than ever before; this sparked my interest in pursuing LDN to complement my dietary/supplemental approach. So far, the LDN doesn't seem to be doing much. I've only been taking LDN for 3 weeks at full dosage, though.

In my case, I know supplements and diet did much more that pentasa/imuran ever did. Also see my favorite probios under the Diet, Fitness, and Supplements post: Probiotics.
I would like to hear anyone's stories who has opted out of medicine for dietary and nutritional treatment alone.

I tried an almost all ensure diet coupled with medication but it led me to surgery anyway.

I recommend the book "beat crohns -getting to remission with enteral nutrition.

I believe enteral works but it's a band aid and a temporary fix. You can't live life on only liquids.

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