Pentasa not working.. next step 6mp or Humira?

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Apr 7, 2013
So Pentasa is not working. I dont get D or anything, I have narrowed stools maybe 1-2 times a day doesnt feel like i am emptying all the way sometimes though. I also get alot of stomach pain after a meal and several hours later. I also have tenderness and discomfort, bloating. I was hospitalized last January for a partial blockage in the small intestine. My dr says it is up to me whether I want to try Imuran (6mp) or just jump to Humira injections. I dont know anything about these two medications and I would really like your input and your own experiences? thanks!
Wow, your symptoms are exactly the same as mine are currently! I have a stricture in the colon, and have been on Pentasa since diagnosis of CD in 2003. My GI has suggested Humira or Remicade. No mention of Imuran as an option. He has suggested the "top-down" approach. I don't know anything about Imuran, but I get the impression a large propotion of people who try Humira see positive results. Hope this helps!
Hi jane, yes i decided to go with Imuran which is similar to 6mp i believe? I have been on for 4 1/2 weeks with the help of prednisone for 6 week taper which i was done with last wednesday so i was a bit nervous bc i heard this med doesnt take effect at the very earliest 6 to 8 weeks... some have reported up to 6 months. Despite all that, I have been doing rather well... my stomach was being a little weird after the prednisone stopped but its been a week and i feel quite well. I am not on a specific diet but I stay pretty organic and do not eat fried foods. I eat almost 75% of my meals at home with the exception of my work which is cheddars which I kinda lucked out bc they make pretty close to homemade meals so i order grilled chicken plain and steamed veggies so not so bad there.... but im still researching eating and how it affects the disease. So im on 75 mg of Imuran once a day and my blood work as come back great so far so here I am... pooping once a day *never had a problem with diarrhea just inflammation leading to a partial blockage* and they are normal size.... actually quite big if you ask me so thats great bc when i was having problems they were quite narrow and i feel like I was literally full of ****....

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