Thank you....I did see little pellets in my stools, glad to know that is normal/good. I am weaning off Pred, down to 20mg now, and feeling a bit worse each day. I am taking the 4,000 a day of Pentasa too. Dr. states that there are NO side effects to Pentasa.
Oh good!
I wasn't so lucky while on it (still on it in a matter of speaking :ymad
to see anything come out in my stools--I didn't even know there was supposed to
be anything like that occur. Instead, my body flat out attacked the drug because it's synthetic and come to find out my body doesn't do synthetic (my body hates Humira too with a passion; guess what? It's synthetic). -__-
That stupid Pentasa, a year and a half later, is still in my gut--the 15 feet worth of intestine where neither scope can reach?-therefore it's not there so the doctor says yet it's in my vomit?--and has caused all most every single mild to severe to rare side effect listed to that drug. :yrolleyes: So in no way does Pentasa NOT have side effects.:eek2: I know by the massive swelling (allergic reaction) and itching, the chronic rash, the [for a while] dark urine, the jaundice (yellowing) skin, the hair loss--and I used to have gorgeous thick hair
--the VIOLENT stomach pain/nausea and vomiting (yep, been vomiting a year now), the easy bruising, the nose bleeds, the numbness, tingling and severe weakness in my arms and legs and over all worsening of my condition, that Pentasa has side effects. -____-
I too am on Prednisone and have been so since February though I'm tapering off. I was up at 60 mgs for like 4 days. Then while coming down, and because the Pentasa has been in there so long and my body's bound and determined to fight it, I've begun to swell larger and larger and itch more and more the further I ween off the Prednisone as the Prednisone is actually keeping the Pentasa side effects at bay--keeping down inflammation is kinda what its good at. XD Unfortunately as I continue to swell, my throat has become one of them just as of yesterday morning when going to bed. If it increases which it will when I further the taper, the swelling will choke me, so that new GI doc I was referred to that was supposed to call me, had better call today sometime and if not, they're gonna get a call from me on Monday. :ybatty: a side thought, if you're weening off the Prednisone and feeling worse while one another treatment, in this case Pentasa, I would imagine it's either the Pentasa isn't strong enough for you, or it's actually the cause of you feeling worse. It may very well be one or the other being it sounds like the Prednisone is/was helping you. ~sigh~