Peptamen v other brands

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Sep 16, 2014
Is there an advantage of certain supplemental drinks over others? I've seen many people mention Peptamen, is this generally the drink of choice? I've been giving my son Boost Plus, 360 calories, 14g of protein....he's getting used to it and will now drink 2 ~ 3 a day. Is Peptamen better? I've never heard of it until reading posts here....just curious. He needs to gain, absorb and grow grow grow!!!
It is a difference in how much the formula is broken down. Polymeric, boost, ensure, are the least broken down. Then you have semi elemental and elemental, the latter of which is the most broken down.

I think peptamen is semi elemental.
Which one do you all give your kids? Seems to be a few diff choices. Can you buy it at a Target or Walmart? How do they taste?
It's all in what works for your kiddo
Boost /ensure are polymeric so they taste the best but are whole proteins.
Peptamen jr /peptide are semi elemental are broken more and take less heathy intestine /energy to convert.
Elemental typically needs a tube ( elecare neocate etc..)

My DS tried boost kids prior dx and kept losing weight .
He was switched to peptamen jr for full EEN since it had the best track record at the time for EEN . Newer studies suggest any formula will work.
is Peptamen only for children or can it be used for adults who can't eat during a flare.
Thanks so much in advance!
Please help. At wits end.
Thanks so much for your reply! I'm so confused. Doctor also gave me Doxyclycline since I'm allergic to Cipro and Flagyl. But now reading bad things about it. Will it make the Crohn's worse. I'm running out of options and so scared.
Shouldn't respond before you have your coffee...someone just pointed out to me that worriedmom started this thread forever ago.

Second what MLP said...they all work it is just what works best for your kid.

Hate to be a buzzkill but are you sure his medical therapy is working for him? Has he had no weight gain or growth since switching over to Remicade? How long has it been? In order to gain and grow you need nicely healed intestines. Lack of growth and weight gain would be a bit of a warning signal to our doc. This said, it took my daughter almost a year to really start growing and about 6-8 to really star gaining weight but we were making some small progress so he never really hot the panic button.
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Yes it was a new GI doctor that prescribed Doxycyline. My insurance is changing and old GI isn't on plan so tried this new doc.On Pentasa which seemed to stop working and waiting like 6 weeks for my insurance to cover Entyvio. Allergic to all other drugs and can't even take prednisone due to osteoporosis.Can't take biologics because of other health issues so I'm at wits end. Can't eat. Trying Peptamen so hopefully that will agree with me otherwise will end up in hospital.UGH! I've been through a lot already and don't have the strength to tell my whole story now but def not pretty. Did have iliocolic resection already.
Thanks again MLP!!!!
CIC, this thread switched to a question from itsmebabs. That is why it has been revived. It isn't about worriedmom any longer :).