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Feb 22, 2011
Hello everyone,
I am sorry to bother, but I have a question once again.
I managed to see my doctor today, he did two colonoscopies on me and exclaimed that I have a serious petechiae on my intestinal wall; blotches which result when the capillaries bleed (hemorrhage), leaking blood into the skin. My question would be if this can cause anything?I only know what can cause it, inflammatory diseases like crohn's, but not what it can do, my doctor did not say anything to me about it.
Thank you! Have a nice day!<3

kisses, Aya
Petechiae are tiny pinprick bruises. They do not really cause anything and do not break the skin surface.They are a sign of skin/ bowel lining damage but don't in themselves cause harm.
Wow. I never heard of that before!

Thanks for the info and Peace, I hope they turn out to be nothing and not harmful to you.

- Amy
Thank you so much, we were just worried that they could do harm because we could not find information anywhere of what they can do or not. Thank you!<3
Your welcome for the information, and thank you for the kind wishes. <3

kisses, Aya

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