PG Questions

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Jan 27, 2009
I have notice a rash on my elbows and ankles as of late and some discoloration on my ankles and i have started to wonder what it could be and thought maybe i would at least check to see if PG was a possibility, How long does it take to have any significant signs to show or is it fairly slow process, i plan on see a dermatologist. just wanted to get some input here first.
Hi Mark, I had PG when I was in Cozumel, on a honeymoon, 8 years ago. The red spots on both lower shins about the size of a silver dollar, circular and itchy red... I put some regular body cream on it and when I got home it went away. That was a warning of what could of been worse. I caught in time and put cortizone cream on it. DO not let this get away, get it treated asap ok? If it gets to far, treatment is almost non existant to get rid of it. Let us know when you see a dermatologist, it maybe nothing but the sooner you get the results the faster it will heal!
I have the same patch on one Shin that my former GP said was Psoriasis. When this appeared, I was at my worst Crohn's wise. It was deep in the flesh and black with the red surface and scaly. I have never had anything like it before. The really odd part is my brother has exactly the same thing, in the same place. He does not have Crohn's.

Now is it just red near the surface and scaly and it does also itch on occasion. It is improved over what it was, but it never goes away altogether.

I still am not convinced it is psoriasis, as I have never seen a case of psoriasis that has gone deep into the tissue.

I have never treated it to any degree, as I figure it is a Crohn's early warning system. If I am flared, I assume it will get wore also. I have put various lotions on it, but that makes it worse, and it itches more.

I think I will start treating it myself, but as I do not know the direct cause, it makes it a hit and miss approach. Not the way I like to go about it.

Now I wonder, is is Psoriasis or PG?

Mark -
If you know how to get in touch with Mike and Kim, they are the best people to ask about that. They have tons of info about that, and might even be able to tell you the difference between PG and other skin conditions.
Here is a slide show of Mike's PG.
It's advanced, so it might not help you actually, but there it is if you want it.
Message them on FB for sure Mark. They had info about which types of doctors NOT to see, but I can't remember which ones, and info about taking tissue for samples (NOT a good idea) or whatever.
Kello is also a good person to contact.
Thank you for the informative video. As you said, his is advanced but a couple of the pictures looked close to what I had when it was at its worse.

I think I will treat it a little more seriously than before, just in case. Back to the experimentation. I am used to targeting a pathogen, but in this case, there may not be one.

So little is known about this type of disease.

I hope Mike can heal up. If I can miraculously get this to go away, I will let you know. I am not too confident, without any clues to work with. It is the last thing I have to resolve, and probably the most difficult, going by your experience.

My past Prez in the CCFC had it, and she has been a Crohnie since way back, she had PG and took almost 2 years to get rid of it. There is an ointment but it escapes me at the moment. Let us know how it turns out.
i think the beginning of PG can look different from person to person. my stoma was a different case, i didnt get to see how it startes because its birth was the incision.

but on my legs, it sure did not start out as the blotches that most of you describe. it started at a spot where the skin was opened. most of the time it was a teeny opening, like if a bug bites you and you scratch and theres a teeny cut from scratching? those were the kind of things that the PG on my legs grew out of. i only had 3 spots in total that went necrotic and theyre all just a bit smaller than a dime. very small compared to what some of you guys have experienced. but at the same time, i had other little cuts and skin openings too, and THEY didnt grow PG. it was only sometimes...

idk, i have to think that its different from person to person?

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