Pill Camera hasn't passed

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May 23, 2013
My son is in the process of being diagnosed with Crohn's and had a pill camera placed during an endoscopy/colonoscopy 10 days ago. It was supposed to pass within a couple of days but as of today it has not and x-rays reveal that it is still inside him. Does anyone have any experience with this? I'm not sure what to do.
Have you called the Gi yet to let them know it hasn't passed?
I think they should be the ones telling you what the options are at this point .
Have they given you any advice?
When do you see the Gi next?
We do not have experience with a pill cam.
Kimmidwife does .
Dummy or fake pill camera?
Did they give you a sheet about the pill camera and a list of warnings?
Call and page the on-call GI. If anything you'll get clarity on what should happen next.
DanceMom also has experience with this.
Is your boy in pain?
We had the opposite problem. A passed her pill cam in 3 hr 15 min. We were given a pamphlet from the company with instructions though.

Hope it passes soon!
Do you have a GI on call service? If not I would probably consider a trip to the ER but because we were told if it's not out in 8 days it would mean surgery to get it out. They'll do scans to see if it's still in there. We micro manage our daughter's poop (unfortunately) so we saw it in there but if you don't it's easy to miss. Are you sure it hasn't come out without you noticing?
Yeah that if the on call does not call back ( we typically give them an hour)
Then i would head to the ER where your Gi practices or pediatric hospital ER .
It's definitely still in there. The x-ray shows it clear as day. We're waiting to hear back from the GI. It's hard to judge because he has stomach pain all the time, but he doesn't seem to be any worse than usual. My wife is an ER nurse so if we don't hear back from the GI we have the ability to get some answers but I don't want to take him there unless we have no other choice. I read somewhere that sometimes laxatives help but I don't want to put him through that without some affirmation that it won't make things worse.
Thinking about it more (it was almost a year ago when we did ours) they told us if it gets stuck they would do pred to try to get the inflammation down and if not surgery. No mention of laxatives but they didn't think my daughter had SI disease so they felt it was moot and were just humoring me because I was asking. I hope you get a call back and it doesn't become a surgical issue.
Hope you don't end up having to take him to the ER. Hope they phone you back with some advice soon!
Unfortunately there are no easy answers with a stuck pill cam JC. We have not done a pill cam here but as far as I am aware it is as killcolitis has said.

DO NOT give any laxatives unless it is under the direction of the GI. They are generally contraindicated if there is a risk of obstruction present.

Good luck! I hope you get answers and direction soon and they are simple ones!

Dusty. xxx

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