Pinching pain in lower left abdominal area

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Aug 19, 2010
Hello. I am in the middle of a big flare up. I've been having the familiar nausea, cramps, and around 20 boughts of diarrhea every day and have lost about 8 pounds,( which I can't afford to lose as I am small - 5 feet 1 and 105 pounds). I was given Sulphasalazine which seemed to begin to work, but then I had a seriously intense abdominal pain that did not let up in intensity for around 3 hours. This was followed by nausea and severe gas and bloating. It turns out I had an adverse reaction to the drug. The drug apparently can also make the inflammatory condition worse. So- off that and now in the middle of one of the worst flares I've had in a long time.

I am struggling to get it under control, but I have a 'new' sensation, I haven't had before. It's a sort of 'pinching' feeling that moves around - first the lower left abdominal area, then the right, then mid abd. - Sometimes i feel like if I'm in a sitting position, it increases the pinching sensation. Can anyone tell me what it could be? What could be happening in there to make that feeling? Since that abdominal pain from the drug, I feel confused and scared and worried, and feel like things have 'changed' somehow -usually I'm familiar with the various pain and sensations of my disease. ( I do have an upper and lower GI scheduled for mid Sept). Any thoughts would be greatly received.
Hiya Mia

this pinching, is it making you nauseous?
I believe this could be narrowing, and you're feeling a 'pinching' which could be waste struggling to get through during peristalsis. You're obviously inflamed.
This was one of my first indications that I was blocked, it didn't make sense tho, I had severe diarrhea, so how could I be blocked? But I was, and I went to A&E when the projectile vomiting got so severe I couldn't move without throwing up.
It's up to you whether you want to wait til next week to see GI, but I'd ring them just in case. Especially if you vomit, sure sign of blockage.
Good luck, let us know how you get on
hi mia :) you are the same height as me!! (im 99 pounds so im small too) I have had that pinching pain thing before...its so uncomfortable! I can't really answer your question because I don't know what it is either. It hurts a bit but try stretching it out/going for a walk....also i found heat packs help it....apart from that i don't really know but i understand where your coming from!!!
i really hope it eases up for you :)
all the best
Hi Joan and Kat. Thankyou for answering. I do think I'm quite inflammed right now, as I am passing a lot of undigested food bits in the diarrhea ( even though I'm on a very careful diet right now- like really well cooked mashed carrots- but still the carrot bits showing up - gee, sorry for being so explicit, but it's such a relief to talk about these things- like WHO else could you discuss these things with!) . I'm hoping then that it's not narrowing from scar tissue, but narrowing from inflammation and swelling. A narrowing can temporarily occur from inflammation and swelling can't it? You're right Kat- heat and stretching/walking does help. I guess I find that I'm so tuned into everything going on in my gut (hyper aware after all the ups and downs) that sometimes I even wonder if I sometimes notice 'normal' intestinal sensations that other people wouldn't. Sigh

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