Please Help Me Name The Pain

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Oct 1, 2009
I dont know who all has had fistulas here, but when I had my last one, when it was making its way thru my insides to the surface, it had this most intense burning ripping feeling I had ever felt in my life, I was taking a nap this evening and I woke up to feeling this really bad burning and ripping feeling just above my belly button, the pain from that comes and goes every few min, but it hurts just as bad every time, plus I have this dull throbbing pain in about the same area, now when the bad pain hits, it hurts thru my stomach and feels like it hurts in my anal area, PLUS it makes another female part go very numb for a few min after....So can anyone tell me if this is what I think it is??????
Hi Angee,

I had 2 really awful fistulas! The pain wasn't so bad but what was happening instead was mortifying!!! The first fistula I had was known as a rectal-vaginal fistula. This is just like what is sounds like it is. Somehow the 2 areas connected and I was pooping, uncontrollably, vaginally! The second fistula, again rectally related, was connected to my butt cheek. I had surgery to drain an internal abscess and right after surgery I was pooping out of my butt cheek, again uncontrollably. I felt like if you spun me around I could be a **** sprinkler. I didn't know these things were possible. Mine were corrected with surgery. I'm so sorry you have to go through having a fistula. It seems like everything else you've been dealt should be enough for one person to handle. Then when you're given more it can be overwhelming. You'll get through it. And you'll get really tired of being told "you'll get through it". I know I was. But you do. And it gets better I promise. I had a solid year of absolute hell and I'm alive to talk about it. Funny thing is I didn't even know I was dying. I just knew it sucked! I went out to dinner the other night and I looked great! I visited my sister in Portland, OR for 2 weeks. I can walk on the treadmill for 45 minutes and I can drink bubble-filled diet coke without incident. It really does get better. I don't have a name for your pain but I'm sure whatever you come up with is appropriate. Take good care! Sharon
sharon j. said:
related, was connected to my butt cheek. I had surgery to drain an internal abscess and right after surgery I was pooping out of my butt cheek, again uncontrollably. I felt like if you spun me around I could be a **** sprinkler.

Thanks Sharon, I'm not already in enough pain here and now you made me pop out 2 staples.....:ylol2: