I think everyone here who has this disease understands your exhaustion and frustration. The disease is as much an emotional blow as it is physical.
For me what works is thinking about the things I DO have. I have a healthy mind. I am pretty smart. I have a great wife and 4 wonderful kids. I have had 15 years of remission before the CD reasserted itself in my life. I bet you have a list of positive things too....
Is life perfect? No. Will ever be? Not as long as we are mortal and who knows after that. Someone once told me that everyone has "something" wrong with them. Maybe it's a bad back, my wife has a degenerative eye problem, my daughter has psoriasis. Some folks are diabetic... The bottom line is, we all have challenges. Those of us here happen to have Crohns as our challenge. It could be better, but try to remember, almost always, there is someone who has even more difficulties than you do. Money can definitely be a stress, but it sounds like you have a supportive partner.. maybe you can find some way of making income from home?
At least for me, it helps me from feeling sorry for myself and asking "why me?" So chin up! You are among friends and we all "get" it and have an ear to listen and a shoulder to cry on if you need it.
Don't give in to the disease. Be "ElleMac who has Crohns" and not "Crohns who has ElleMac!"
Best wishes and I hope you feel better!