Please, help me

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Dec 7, 2014
I'm twenty years old. I've recently been diagnosed with Crohn's disease, and my whole world fell apart. I'm a med student and wanted to be a surgeon, but no matter where I look for, whichever forums I search, all I can find is pain and more pain. I can't stop crying since I discovered the disease, and I won't lie, I've never been so scared. I can't keep living each day knowing that all the future has for me is pain. Please. I'm begging, help me. I don't know how, but I'm desperate.
Hi victorwillian and :welcome:

I am so sorry to hear of your diagnosis and what you are now going through. :ghug:

First up lets put things into perspective. When you come to forums like this the vast majority of posts are going to be by people such as yourself, either newly diagnosed or an older diagnosis going through a flare. This being the case it will appear that just about everyone with Crohn’s is suffering and in pain. :( What you don’t see is the large numbers that don’t frequent forums because they are doing well and living life to the full.
Take my own kids for example, they had some very rugged times when first diagnosed, they both required surgery very early on but since then they have both been in remission my daughter for 8 years and my son fast approaching 4 years. They were both diagnosed in high school and are now both at university with one doing Masters and the other Honours.

Where is your Crohn’s located?

Have you commenced treatment/medication?

As a general rule of thumb being diagnosed at your age, assuming you haven’t had uncontrolled symptoms for years, means you have a very good chance of getting on top of things and staying that way for extended periods of time. Be vigilant and keep well monitored and informed.

There is light at the end tunnel hun, believe you me and you will get there. :ghug:

Any questions please don’t hesitate to ask and know that you are not alone as we are here for you.

Dusty. xxx
Welcome to the forum. I just wanted to second what Dusty said. Most times people seek out support at the height of their suffering and this forum is a great place for that. Yet, there are countless other that are out getting their degrees, working in the career of their choice and living life. They have gotten their disease under control and don't have as much need for support.

My sons's GI has an intern shadowing him right now that had Crohns disease. So he has at some point been able to reach remission and work to achieve his goal. My son has remicade infusions with kids in med school, law school, and all levels of undergraduate and post graduate study. He also sees elementary students, and high school students like himself at most infusions. The majority of them are in remission and say their only reminder of CD is when they come to infusions or checkups.

Of course, there will be ups and downs, but just keep hope. Many CD'ers find remission and don't have CD at the forefront of their thoughts everyday.

Diagnosis can be extremely overwhelming with all the info, treatment and testing on top of the pain and symptoms you are going through. It is a steep learning curve but an important one so that you can advocate for yourself.

May you find remission soon!

Yes,it is quite a shock to hear the diagnosis.Life changing but not life ending.I can relate to being scared for the future.I was diagnosed a little over a year ago_One thing about being diagnosed is you know what you are facing now.Working with your GI you can form a plan to move forward in a manner that's best for you,so you can reach your goals.

There are many people with crohn's disease that live a full and happy life.Acknowledge your fears but don't let them rule you.Easier said than done,I know.
Hi there, and welcome,
yes it is a shock to be told you have Crohns and naturally you are upset. When you work closely with your doctor, and hopefully have a caring one then you can discuss all this.I call it , the fears and tears of illness! You will get there I promise. I did after some time and follow a lot of my interests in life eg Photography and Art. Once it is reasonably under control you will feel better. Follow your dreams don't let it overcome you! I pray a lot too, that helps me and a sense of humour. Best wishes Let me know how you are.
My daughter has just been diagnosed and she is also at uni . It was hard to accept I still believe there could be a mistake. She breaks down crying at times but I tell her that when you fall you get up and try again . Keep trying to overcome this emotion and get on with a beautiful life ahead. I know it's hard but time is the best healer and what it hold who knows . Best of luck and health
hi victorwillian,

I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis and I know it seems devastating.

First, the bad news... I've suffered from severe Crohns for close to 20 years and have gone through every surgery, medication and treatment you can imagine.

BUT here's the good news... while going through that, I went to a top university and grad school, worked on Wall St. (100 hour weeks!) and elsewhere in Finance for top companies, got married, have an active social life. So the message is that you CAN live a very normal life despite Crohns.

ALSO, its amazing how much better the medications are now than they were, and they continue to improve. There are some great options out there that can help tremendously, so just take one step at a time and whatever happens, it will work out!