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Aug 22, 2008
Hey Guys....I have been trying and trying to find healthy diet that will not cause major pain. The problem is that I am VERY picky about what I like. Every where I look I am told that you need to try things you like and see how it makes you feel which I think is BS. Can any of you suggest anything healthy and safe I can try?
Well it really isn't BS. Some people here can eat fruits, others cannot. Some can eat gluten and others cannot. Some can eat meat and others cannot. I can eat anything I want without much consequence. That is why many of us have at one time or another kept a food diary to see what food effected us.

I only avoid highly known gut binding foods like - dumplings.
Yes Isla is right. Everyone with this disease is so different you really need to see what affects you and what doesn't. The usual ones like nut's, peanuts, and popcorn are the usual ones but I don't really ever have a problem with them. Keep a journal of what you eat and what effects you. If a food effects you in some way wait a week and try it again and write down what happens. Don't ever try too many foods at once. Try to stick with foods off regular diet one at a time.
Unfortunately there is no easy just got to see what your body will tolerate. I have also found that sometimes I can eat one thing and other days it really makes me uncomfortable so you might have to test something a couple of times.
paulah i suggest aloe vera juice, an an enzyme supplement to take with food, flaxseed oil topped on whatever or put in a shake is good for healing inflammation. oh and a probiotic non-dairy supplement would be good to bring in healthy bacteria into your system.
It really is true that you have to try things out and see what works. There is no one diet that works for everyone! However, there are some general trends; a lot of people cannot tolerate dairy or gluten. You might want to try eliminating dairy and avoiding wheat. Yogurt (if you can tolerate milk products), rice, applesauce, peanut butter, potatoes. If you find that roughage irritates your Crohn's, avoid high-fiber foods like lettuce and nuts. You're just going to have to try a bunch of different foods and see what happens. Just make sure that you have a balanced diet!
i wouldnt suggest making any drastic cuts, start slowly and experiment with what works and what doesnt, but any drastic changes will prob increase flares and ull lose nutrition.
like everyone else has said.. every one is different. you have to find out through trial and error. i cant eat cheese, rump steak or mayonaise. it also depends on how well i am feeling as to what i can tolerate. make a food diary of what you eat and how you feel

Yep... I agree... everyone is slightly different, so it's difficult to recommend any one thing.
Try keeping a food diary, noting down what you've eaten and what effect it's had. Try altering one thing at a time, because if you make too many changes you won't know what works and what doesn't.
You may also develop a bit of an instinct for what you can get away with. Today I had some fruit salad... lovely. Two days ago I couldn't go near any fruit, I just knew from the state of my insides it would be a bad idea!
Good luck.
I am fairly certain that milk carries one of the species of bacteria that induce symptoms, so I always recommend not drinking any.

I drink Cherry Pomegranate Juice because it has anti inflammatory properties and I like it. In general I try to eat basic unprocessed food. Not that I do not eat fast food occasionally, but it is not an every day thing.

What you can eat is very individual. I cannot eat Onions or Malt. I am not even sure it is Crohn's related. These two things do not bother most people, but they affect me very badly. I eat everything else that any other normal person would eat. That is not the case for others, but I have no more symptoms, knock on wood.

Yes I agree with everyone it is really trial and error just like everything else with Crohns. Some people can't drink milk, I can unless I am on prednisone then for some reason I become lactose intolerant only while I am on it. Just try to look at what your eating and how you feel afterwards. You'll know what doesn't work for you. Good Luck