Please help

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Nov 14, 2010
please help

Hi this tom (aka abo) diagnosed crohns 2006.
Back on steroids.
I had my last infusion of remicade in April 2011 up to that life was good but when i returned in June i was told that there was a lot of activity with my white blood cells and that i could no longer have the infusions as my body was producing its own antibody's.
since then i have had chest ex-rays, 2 Ct scans and several blood tests done.
I have been told recently that there is an excessive amount of activity within the lymph-noids in my chest area,i was in hospital last week to have a broncoscopy
to determine whether i had developed either saradosis, TB(tuberculosis) or the dreaded CANCER,
Broncoscopy came back clear showing no sign of saradosis waiting on TB blood test, should know in the next few day.
i have a feeling that the above test will also be clear leaving only one option, really hope and pray that i am wrong as with every twinge i get i think all will result in disaster.Thanks for reading,Tom
Hi Tom and welcome! Oh, gosh, I certainly hope it isn't cancer! You must be full of anxiety. Try your best to think positive. Stressing out will only make things worse.

I am sending lots of thoughts and prayers your way.

Please keep us posted, Tom, and hang in there!
Hi Tom welcome to the forum :) good luck with your tst results, fingers crossed for you. I've been to Kerry it's a beautiful part of Ireland :)
Hi Tom,

Wow, what a lot to deal with!!! And the waiting is horrible! Try to keep the worry under control... I know, easier said than done, right? It so easy for your mind to race once it gets started! :runaway: Just come to the forum if it gets to be too much and talk, vent!! Lots of friends here to support you!:ghug:

When do you get your results back?

Wishing all I can that tests turn out okay! Let us know how you're doing... :heart:
Hiya Tom
and welcome

Fingers crossed for you over here that everything turns out ok
Let us know how you're getting on
lotsa luv
Joan xxx