Poo.....before poo?

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Apr 28, 2012
Sorry that was the catchiest title I could think of.:smile:

For the past 3-4 weeks Grace had poo smears on her undies.:yfaint:
They seems to be getting worse as in she's changing her undies 2-3 time a day. Keep in mind her stools are some what normal.

Any thoughts?
This sounds silly but maybe she's not wiping enough? Or maybe she's doing more than just "passing gas"
Thanks KWalker but I'm with her when she pulls them down to go. :eek:You mean your mommy still doesn't go with you to the potty????????:lol2:

Plus she wipes better then her 6yr old brother.:yfaint:
Is she passing a lot of gas? Maybe doesn't realize it's more than gas?

I've sometimes wondered with these little kiddos if their butt muscles just don't know how to work properly. Especially if they've had a lot of diarrhea all their lives. Know what I mean?
It could be gas. I guess she's never really had a problem with that.
Even as a baby she never really did it as far as I heard......or smelled.
My daughter had issues with this....usually when she tried to hold in when she really needs to go....she also gets constipated which doesn't help.

In your case it may mean a loss of sphincter tone which doesn't allow her to hold in......
Interesting pasobuff...what in the world would cause a loss of sphincter control?
I know her GI at first wanted Grace tested for mobility of her rectum mussels. However her Gi thought her muscles were "keeping things closed".
I was going to say gas and "wipes" also (do you have wet wipes for her?).

So that she doesn't have to change her undies as often, you can buy small panty liners (teenager size) for her to wear. Instead of changing panties, she can just change the liner. Might make her feel a wee bit cleaner too.
Good idea about the liners ChampsMom. Thanks.
The smears are there before she poo's. So there happening while she walks around.
Yes she uses wet wipes. She has to because it hurts to use TP.
It happens with my son too. I've asked him if it's gas but he says he doesn't pay attention (with 3 boys in the house and lot of passing gas on each other - I'm not shocked he hasn't noticed!)...

Take care...
Is it possible that she could be scratching/itching her butt a lot and it's causing her underwear to be rubbing against the skin (butt)?
It happens alot in kids with prolapse
As well as kids who are constipated since the liquid or soft stuff leaks around the hard stuff
When the child had gas or just for no rhyme or reason.
When DS was flaring he had that not anymore though
Let your Gi know
For my son the poo smears were caused by constipation. The bowel stretches when they are constipated to the point that they feel the urge to go later and later as the bowel fills. Some will occasionally "leak" out and I found this to be my son's issue when he was on Miralax especially.

He had this issue before he was diagnosed. I don't know if he just out grew it, if treating the crohn's helped fix it, or if it was because I am now regular about giving the miralax. Before he was diagnosed and was in Kindergarten/first grade he had always been constipated but I wasn't comfortable with him being on Miralax so much so I would give it intermittently when things seem to get stopped up. I am not sure if that caused more harm than good. Now, of course I know he needs it everyday.

Johnny by the way had MAJOR constipation. I don't know if that is the case with Grace or not.
A has had this problem too. At first the GI thought she was constipated but we quickly found that not to be the case. For her things just pass so quickly that she does not always have time to make it to the bathroom. Even when her stools appear normal she still has to run to the bathroom.
Ditto to MLP and Johnnysmom. This happened with my oldest. I think we may have talked about this with Grace before. Also, when they have been constipated for a while their muscles really have to relearn how to work. My oldest was kept on a dosage of miralax long after her constipation was cleared just to help the muscles regain their tome etc.

O has also had this when passing gas post dx.

You never know. I would mention it to the GI especially since she is so young and post surgery and all.
HMMMMM......constipation might be the reason, holding her poo if she thinks it will hurt sounds right on also. I mean she's a lot better constipation wise then before but that could still be the culprit.

Thanks one and all.:ghug:
My thought is whether it is blood and not poo, but I guess you'd be able to tell. Also, I think when your bottom burns after a stool, when passing gas later, and your bum is sore, it might not feel something making it poopy?

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