I have been sick for two years now and i'm so sick and tired of people telling me that it's all in my head. I was finally diagnosed with crohn's disease in January of this year and although everyone knows now that it wasn't in my head..they still treat me like i'm faking it. I suffer in silence everyday. I have to ask someone to take me appintments all the time because I can't drive because of the medications i'm on and everytime I ask they just seem so annoyed and that just makes me feel even sadder. I have two kids to take care of and the doctor won't even fill out my papers for dissability because even though my test results are horrible, he seems to think that I can handle and go to work. Feels good to have somewhere to vent to people who understand how I feel. I'm am so glad to have found this forum becasue I don't feel so alone anymore Thanks!