Post Mayo Clinic Update

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Mar 6, 2013
Ok, so I had my final appointment at Mayo Clinic on Monday. I had a bazillion tests done, and it was decided that my Crohn’s is actually not active at the moment. The cause of my symptoms is post infection IBS, from my last Crohn’s flare. The GI said that this could gradually go away, or it could hang around for the rest of my life (yay). I am going to try taking levsin and Imodium around the clock for a bit, and see if this helps me any. If it doesn't, I will be getting a codeine tincture. Fingers crossed that one of these options may be able to help me out.

The Rheumatologist at Mayo diagnosed me with Inflammatory Bowel Disease associated arthritis. Basically, it is an autoimmune arthritis that is caused by IBD. I will be starting sulfasalazine in a few days to help calm this arthritis flare. I am still waiting on some test results that are checking for upper GI Crohn’s activity and possible infectious diseases and fungal infections. But so far, I’ve got a pretty good picture of what’s making me so sick.The good news is that if sulfasalazine doesn’t help, there are quite a few more options for me. Thanks for all of your support everyone, and I will keep you updated on the final results from my tests. :ghug:
So glad your appointment went well. I hope your test results come clean and that sulfasalazine works for you and if not, like you said, there are more options.
If you don't mind me asking, what did thy suggest besides Sulfasalazine? Both my girls have been on Remicade and Humira for arthritis and it's been suggested that my younger one try Stelara next (older one is doing great on Humira, younger one is just beginning to get better).
They said I should follow up with my home Rheumy to see what the next step would be after sulfasalazine (if it didn't work or I had a reaction). My guess is methotrexate or Stelara, but not quite sure. Of course, I can't get in to my Rheumy until May, so I have to wait it out.