I am sat here crying because I don't know what to do. I was on entocort for 7 weeks, which did nothing and I have since been on 40mg of prednsiolone since 17th March and I am experiencing abdominal cramps above my belly button and pain on my right side where my terminal ileum is. I can't go to hospital because my obs like blood pressure and temperature are all normal. I don't know how to move forward. I called my GI a week ago and have not heard back. I am due to see IBD nurse on Wednesday. I don't know what can be done for me. I can't take ANY biological drugs ever because I am at risk of multiple sclerosis. I am awaiting for blood results before I start azathioprine. What is wrong with me? My CT scan in October was completely normal. Could a stricture or something developed since then to cause this pain? Colonoscopy in December showed ulcers at my terminal ileum and my small bowel looked "withered" to quote my GI. Please tell me I'm not heading back to surgery. I had a bowel resection in 2011 and felt amazing then mild symptoms returned in May and now here I am.