Prednisone- At what dosage did ur moonface start to go away??

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Apr 7, 2013
Just a general question at what dosage did your moonface and/or "beer belly" :kello:as i affectionately call it...go away?
Thankfully my experience with cortisone drugs is limited. But last flare I had a long (2month) stint of pred starting with 50mg and then reducing it. The moon face started after 2 weeks or so and lasted about 3 weeks (I think I was down at 15mg then).
Thanks...i'm trying not to be vain, but this is honestly the worst part of prednisone for me. I can hide and suffer through the other things which i hate as well (irritability, lack of sleep, heart palpitations etc.) But the moon face is what everyone stares at.

I also teach highschool, and while my kids are awesome and love me, they are still just kids, i'm self conscious and uncomfortable all the time...i'm down to 20mg right now but my doc is talking about keeping me on 10 for a while while I start this methotrexate and cimzia.

I really dont want to self medicate, but I don't think i can stay on the prednisone if i have to maintain these side effects. I know not to stop it abruptly, i just don't think i can mentally deal much longer. Thanks so much for your reply. I just wanted to hear *read* someone elses experience
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but Im now 6months post predicate and still a tad rounder than before and ive lost 3stone of predicate beer belly, camel hump, elephant legs etc lol. good luck
Sorry forgot to mention i was up and down between 40-60mg for about 6mnths so prob be diff for you. but i know exactly how u feel i was sooooo concious because i really piled on the pounds and people comment and i felt like a pregnant walrus. my GI now knows never to mention the P word
Yeah, I know the moonface and the other swellings from pred really isn't the most nice looking thing. My GI was comfortablr enough for me to reduce the dosage every 6 days after my flare subsided. That's why I went down to 0 in about 9 weeks and the moon face only remained for a bit.
My moon fave was one of the first symptoms to subside when I was tapering. I actually didn't mind it because I'm so underweight that my face looked better being a bit bigger. I think I was on around 10 or 20mg when it went away. It went away very fast too.

I'd have a moon face rather than the insomnia or mood swings any day! At least with the moon face I can forget all about it when I'm not looking in a mirror.
I have been on pred for 2 weeks this go around and my moonface showed up within 3-4 days. Now I have noticed that if I cut salt out, it does tend to help, and once I am down to 5mg, it starts to go away. I just hate the sleepless nights and always feeling hungry, especially since right now I bloat up and my "baby elephant" shows up whenever I eat. Hang in there!
I have been on pred for 2 weeks this go around and my moonface showed up within 3-4 days. Now I have noticed that if I cut salt out, it does tend to help, and once I am down to 5mg, it starts to go away. I just hate the sleepless nights and always feeling hungry, especially since right now I bloat up and my "baby elephant" shows up whenever I eat. Hang in there!

Yes country girl! i can't stop eating! but i didnt think that related to my face. I will try to keep an eye on it. What are you snacking on? The only healthy thing i can think to snack on is grapes. I'm eating like an entire bundle a day! Since i have an ileostomy i can't do alot of the salad, or ruffage. Finding the healthy snacks is a task for me. Strawberries and grapes are my best friends right now. I'm trying banannas but they suck coming out
Avoiding salt will make the bloated look a lot better :) i also found that massage helps, especially in the mornings.
my moon face was one of the first things to go, once i got down to 10mg/5mg.
Unfortunately for me, I spent about 2 weeks pred free before being bounced straight back up to 30mg! I am not a happy bunny.
Good luck though :) Its not vain at all.
Yupitsme - Grapes also are my go to snack, but I also eat a lot of pineapple (if I can tolerate it) because it also will help with bloating. I also had an ileostomy in December and use to snack on tomatoes and apples, but they now throw me into a tailspin. I know it is may not be the healthiest, but I will have in my lunch bag rice right now because that does help me feel full and it not a lot of calories for ½ cup.