Prednisone vs entocort

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Sep 19, 2010
Hi all,
They discharged Cailtyn today. Unfortunately we do t feel like they did enough for her. She is still in bad pain and having bloody stools. They started her on IV steroids and gave us a scrip for steroids by mouth. She hates taking steroids though. I am wondering if anyone knows if entocort will work as well for her?
I know entocort has much fewer side effects.
Entocort worked very well for my daughter. I believe it works in the ileum and ascending colon. M didn't really have any side effects from Entocort -- she was really pleased since she usually has a lot of side effects with prednisone!
It works for some but not others. I think its a better alternative to pred because of less side effects. Unfortunately for me, it had no effect and I had to go back to pred.
Depends on how you like having strong bones. Prednisone caused me to have osteoporosis a year into the treatment of my first flare. I personally use entocort. Because having bones break really sucks. But for a kid, I really would avoid prednisone. It works but the side effect of bone density loss is not a risk I personally would not take. I am a parent. I am a crohns patient. I would take the safest route possible.
I think it depends in where she is flaring.
If it's just around the TI that's one thing - any where else and she would need more.
Do you see her Gi while in the hospital ?
What was the follow up plan and change in meds?
Any testing done ?

Oral steriods are much easier on the system than iv steriods .
So if she can get the inflammation down on those all the better.
Did you want her to stay until the pain was gone or the bleeding had stopped??
Since she has been in pain for a very long time I thought?
Is it a matter of her not taking the steriods once at home?
Uceris works for the bottom of the colon only
Oral prednisone gave me osteoporosis in less than a year and I was in my mid 20's then. If the flare is mild, it should be cool. I have a severe flare involving the TI. I was put on entocort for the reason I disagree with prednisone. It really is a judgment that should be made by you and your kids GI doctor. Ask questions from the doctor and stay informed of the risks down the line. Do the pros outweigh the cons, etc.
They did the usual stool cultures and blood work. As always they were normal. Still waiting the fecal calp. Results. We also have a scrip for an MRE. Will call today for the appt.
The prednison is making her horribly moody. She does not want to be on it. I have a call into her doctors office to discuss. Unfortunately just found out our regular doc is on vacation this week. Hopefully her partner will call us.
Oral prednisone did not do much for C. He got all of the side effects and none of the benefit. If it did anything I can only assume it prevented the flare from getting worse? But that is just an assumption on my part.

I'm so sorry that she is having to deal with all of this. I know for most prednisone is a great med at quelling the inflammation. Is she open to EEN? You might see if that would be a viable option, it would at least come with no side effects. Although, I guess with the GP it may not be a good option?
Not sure of the distance but could she see dancemom's Gi ?
I know driving is an issue but if your just going in circles maybe a different local doc could help.

Very frustrating if your gi did t take over care in the hospital and is out now.
I have to say I am very very pleased with Caitlyn's doctor. She called me back even though she is officially on vacation. We discussed the prednisone vs the entocort. I to,d her how unhappy Caitlyn's with being on the prensione. She listened to mine and Caitlyn's concerns and we made a plan. She will continue on the prednisone for this week to hopefully give the Crohn's a good kick in the you know what, ;) and then if she is showing improvement we will switch her over to the entocort for a few weeks and then slowly wean down off it. That way hopefully we will get the benefit of the prednisone without all the side effects from longer term use.
So my daughter switched on Friday from prednisone to entocort. Since she had been on slightly less then two weeks she did not need to wean off the prednisone while starting the entocort. All the literature says two weeks is the cutoff. Of someone has been on two or. Ore weeks they need to wean off.