Pregnancy & CD .....

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Aug 30, 2010
Yep, in a nut shell that's what I'm looking for advise on ... Pregnancy and CD.

When I was first diagnosed 12 years ago (early 20s) I suffered much weight loss and ended up on prednisone and many other meds which I don't remember... after my first run of prednisone I swore I would never do it again as I gained 40 lbs (I know most people would be thrilled) but I struggled with being over weight for many years, and I hated to gain so much - they say never say never for a reason, 2 years later I had no choice if I wanted to feel better so back on it I went.
I spent the next few years feeling good and kind of ignoring the disease (which I regret now) the odd time my gut would feel yucky and I would get D but eventually it was pass and all was well again, but I never had a flare as bad as in the beginning, lucky me! In 2007 hubby and I decided to start a family and I never felt as good as I did when I was pregnant - just like I've read in many other posts it's like crohn's disappears with all of the rageing hormones during pregnancy ... it was great.
Well now my daughter is 2 years and 4 months old and guess what's it's back - well for about 10 months now - I guess I've been feeling just okay since my daughter was about 4 months old but have had some really bad days/weeks in the last 10 months.

I went to my family doc and told her my issues and of course she sent me to see a GI doc. The son of the original GI that diagnosed me. My appoinment was the beginning of August - just when hubby and I planned on trying for a 2nd baby - doc asked me to put on hold for a month and to let him do some tests to see how far the CD has progressed. 10 days ago I had the small bowel xray/ultrasound and 1 week ago a colonoscopy which didn't show great results. Looks like a resection is inevitable but not necessary right away. I'm re-learning everything about the disease again. I have major scar tissue where the large meets the small and major narrowing where the CD is, he compared the narrowing to the size of the tip of a pen.

Right now I'm not losing weight, and I don't feel terrible all the time - i have to watch what I eat and I know that I'll pay with certain foods, but I'm in control of that. GI gave me a few different options, 1 of which is to do nothing right now because I'm not suffering and carry on with life as planned but with a strict watch on what I eat and how I feel, .... we still plan to get preggers ASAP and I guess deal with what life thows at us when all is said and done - I will hope and pray there aren't any complications during my pregnancy, whenever that might happen.

My hope is to get some advise from other mom's that possibly went through or are going through something similar. I also plan to stay connected to the IBD community and share my story as it unfolds with hope of helping others, and encourage those the stay connected even when they feel good and not ignore the disease like I did.

Thanks for reading.

Hi lorr and :welcome:

From the sounds it you've already found the pregnancy and Crohns forum. I can't help with your questions but it is a topic I follow with interest as I have an 18 year old daughter with Crohns. I wish you all the best with your future plans of becoming pregnant again and you will be in thoughts and prayers that all goes well.

It would be great if you do stick around and us keep posted on how you are progressing. This is a safe and friendly place with loads of support and experience and it's wonderful to have you here.

Welcome aboard!

Take care, :)
Hi Lorr
and welcome

let Nature take over, everything happens for a reason, if you get pregnant and all's well, then it's meant to be! I would consider it now before things worsen.
You only regret the things you don't do!
I didn't have any symptoms at all during 2 pregnancies. The best I've ever felt! And the funny thing is, I didn't know I had Crohns at the time!! I knew I had something and the pregnancies helped to make me feel well, how, I will never know!!
glad you found us, lots of friends here for you
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
hi Lorr, welcome to the forum.

i don't know if you've found it yet, but we do have a subforum on Pregnancy here..

sorry to hear the Crohn's has stepped up activity since your last pregnancy, and is possibly putting further ones on hold... but i think in your shoes i'd be wanting to get that narrowing sorted out a little before embarking on another pregnancy.... just my thoughts anyway.

glad you found us - i look forward to seeing you around the forum :)