May: Yeah, I'm quite pleased with the jell-o selection I've found so far. I'm still looking for the peach, margarita, and pina colada flavors. The grocery store I tried yesterday didn't have a good selection so no luck there. I'm going to go to a different grocery store today and see what jello flavors they have. There's one really fancy grocery store in my city where the rich people shop - I'd be willing to bet they have some good jell-o flavors there, so I'm going to check it out. And I like your idea of sending the family out to eat - my hubby's got a "man cave" in the basement so I'll make hubby and brother eat down there so I can't see or smell their food while I'm prepping.
Joni: You're so right about insurance companies being stupid about this type of thing. My GI had written me a prescription for Zofran (anti-nausea med). He wanted me to have a refill of 30 pills, but for some stupid reason my insurance company said they will only pay for 12 pills at a time. Since I have frequent nausea, I take Zofran often and I have to get that prescription refilled constantly! I'd be willing to pay a higher co-pay if they'd just give me the 30 pills at once, but they still say no. So now I'm at the pharmacy about every other week, just to refill my measley little 12 Zofran pills. The worst part is that my GI only wrote the prescription for 4 mg pills, and the "full" dose is considered 8 mg, so on bad nausea days I have to automatically take 2 pills. Ugh.
As far as the Endocort thing, my GI said he'd have his office make some calls to my insurance company and to the drug manufacturer to see what can be worked out. I haven't heard anything back yet, but I'll ask my GI about it in a few weeks - I have a follow-up consultation scheduled a couple of weeks after the pill cam. I would love love love to be on either pred or Endocort during Halloween, as that's my favorite holiday and I do not want to be ill during Halloween. Hopefully it works out that way.