My 8 year-old DD has a scope in a little over a week. We have to be at the hospital by 7 a.m. We live almost 4 hours away from the hospital, so I plan to check-in to a hotel near the hospital right before she starts the prep. The prep requires mag citrate at 4 p.m. the day before the scope, and then a Ducolex tablet the night before and the morning of the scope. A couple of questions. First, around when should I give the second Ducolex if we have to be at the hospital at 7 a.m? Second, given that she has to have a second Ducolex the morning of the procedure, how close does our hotel have to be to the hospital? I can pay significantly less if we travel 15 minutes to the hospital, as opposed to being right next to it. (Finances are an issue, but I don't want her to be emotionally scarred or embarrassed by loosing control of her bowels in the car en route to the hospital because I cannot find a bathroom fast enough.)
Also, I had planned to put her in Goodnite pull ups and offered her that we could put diaper ointment around her anus to lessen the irritation. (We'll have a long trip back home after the scope, and I want to maximize her comfort.) I also planned to get something like chucks to protect the sheets and mattress in the hotel.
Is there anything else that I can do to help her feel more comfortable with the prep?
Thank you!
I have to admit that I've been worried sick that we'll end up with a false negative. I think the real possible diagnosis at play is eosinophilic esophagitis, not IBD, unless her eye pain and joint pain are extraintestinal manifestations that are presenting before a lot of the Crohn's symptoms. I think that possibility is why a colonoscopy is being done. Her chief GI symptoms are unrelenting nausea (24/7 for 6 months) and constipation as well as some abdominal pain, though that is secondary to the nausea. I cannot imagine unrelenting nausea is functional, though the contigent plan if the scopes are normal is to label everything "functional" since she doesn't have blood in the stools, diarrhea, or fevers. I'm far from convinced.
Also, I had planned to put her in Goodnite pull ups and offered her that we could put diaper ointment around her anus to lessen the irritation. (We'll have a long trip back home after the scope, and I want to maximize her comfort.) I also planned to get something like chucks to protect the sheets and mattress in the hotel.
Is there anything else that I can do to help her feel more comfortable with the prep?
Thank you!
I have to admit that I've been worried sick that we'll end up with a false negative. I think the real possible diagnosis at play is eosinophilic esophagitis, not IBD, unless her eye pain and joint pain are extraintestinal manifestations that are presenting before a lot of the Crohn's symptoms. I think that possibility is why a colonoscopy is being done. Her chief GI symptoms are unrelenting nausea (24/7 for 6 months) and constipation as well as some abdominal pain, though that is secondary to the nausea. I cannot imagine unrelenting nausea is functional, though the contigent plan if the scopes are normal is to label everything "functional" since she doesn't have blood in the stools, diarrhea, or fevers. I'm far from convinced.