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Jun 8, 2011
Hi Everyone,

It is great to finally find somewhere I can talk to people about how frustrating and scary Crohn's is.

I was diagnosed 2 years ago after having years of pain and diarrhoea. Since then I have been on courses of prednisone as well as 6MP, pentasa, omeprazole, domperidone and colofac. They have decided that the 6MP has failed and this week my specialist changed me to methotrexate injections. I really hope they work as I have barely been at work for the last 6 weeks. I have a really understanding team but I just wonder how long they are going to be this way.

I am really struggling with being unable to exercise at the moment as this used to be a huge part of my life. I am trying to do a little bit bit but even 40 minutes on the cross trainer saw me having to stop every 15 minutes to go to the toilet. I love the gym but it's just not practical to go there when I am this bad.

How does everyone else manage their exercise and what have people's experiences been with methotrexate?

Thanks :)
Sorry I've never taken Methotrexate before. I hope it works for you as well. As far as exercising goes that's a tough one while you're in a flare. You should allow your body to rest and repair and exercise when you feel capable. I wouldn't push your body too much but take advantage when you're feeling well but don't get too crazy and try for your usual routine. Take it slow. I'm not a gym goer myself but there are a few people on the forum who are and maybe they might have some better pointers for you. Be sure to check out the Diet and Fitness section of the forum. You might find more answers there.

Welcome to the forum! :D
Hi Kez and welcome!

I took Metho last year and unf did not have a good experience with it. The side effects were brutal - fuzzy head and fatigue. I could have struggled thru had the metho relieved my symptoms, but even coupled with Humira, my disease was too far gone. Keep poking around and you'll see that there are others that have had success with metho.

As for exercise... I had to give it up when I got really bad before my surgery. Like you, I couldn't go to the gym anymore for fear of messing myself!

Try working out at home - a Jack LaLane style calisthenics routine can be quite effective.

Good luck with the metho - hope it does the trick! - Amy
Welcome kezb...I've never been on metho before so I can't be much help there. Like everyone else is saying, when your having a flare it's kinda hard to workout. Give yourself a break when your crohn's is kicked into high gear. My husband and I own a gym so I'm there all the time and it's even hard for me to workout like everyone else does. Maybe it's all the moving and motions that gets my stomach going??
Hi kezb and welcome! No experience with Methotrexate, but I know what it is like to want to work out when you are not well enough to do so. It is really frustrating. I used to work out each morning for about 45 minutes. But once I was diagnosed and more symptoms developed, I stopped working out all together. It was too much for me.

However, I just started working out again as I have been feeling a little better. First, I started with only 15 minutes of excerise, and I am now up to about 30 minutes. Also, I work out in my home, so I can jet to the bathroom if needed.

So, I suggest you focus on getting well first. Once you are starting to feel better, start working out in low doses and perhaps in your home to eliminate the panic of needing to urgently use the bathroom. Good luck and I hope you can be up and moving soon!
Thanks so much everyone for your replies. Am on week 2 of methotrexate and coping okay with the nausea which is good. Have taken on board your advice with regards to the exercise and have brought a treadmill for home which I use for short bursts when I feel up to it. I guess its just going to take time to get to know what my body can handle and I just need to realise that stressing about it just makes things worse.
It's so great to be here and I hope I can help you guys out too even though my experience is pretty limited at this stage :) xxx

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