Probably Chrohn's/Very Sick

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Jun 9, 2012
Hi everyone,

I have had terrible right sided stomach pain, extreme nausea, vomiting, tiredness, weight loss for years. I have been to several doctors and had almost every test imaginable.

After not having much luck my GI doc had me have an Upper GI and Colonosopy. The Upper GI was mostly OK except they found some inflammation in the stomach.

Had the colonosopy and they found more inflammation/ulcers in the terminal Ellium of the Small Intestine.

My GI doc thinks it is Crohn's but not completely sure. He says my symptoms are that of Crohn's and even though some of tests were not conclusive of Crohn's he is treating as if it were.

Right now I am on Pentasa 3x per day/6 pills. I am also on Entocort EC 3 pills in the morning everyday. My primary doc has me on Xanax 2x per day-morning and night which does seem to help some.

I haven't noticed any help from the Entocort but the Pentasa has helped the terrible stomach pain.

I am nauseas every single morning as soon as I wake up with vomiting almost every morning. The constant nausea throughout the day is horrible. My doc has had me try a variety of nausea meds but none help very much.

I went to the ER one morning because the pain was horrible. They did a CT scan and found just a bit of fluid in my bowel. Not sure if that was causing the pain. They gave me an IV in the hospital of pain meds and nausea meds to help while I was there.

Does this sound like Crohn's? What else can I do? I am always extremely tired, not much of an appetite stops me from doing things because I am afraid of vomiting in public (done that many times). It is hard to eat in a restaurant.

I don't know what else I can do. I am tired of being sick every single day of my life.

Thanks for your support!
From what I read fluid in the bowel may be caused by an obstruction. Are you having bowel movements? How normal are they? Vomiting is very consistent with an obstruction/partial obstruction.

Entocort can take up to a month to notice any drastic change. How long have you been taking it?

You said you had many tests done but only listed 3. What other tests have you had done?

Have you had blood work done that tests all vitamin levels (B12, Iron, Magnesium, Zinc, folic acid, Vit. D, Potassium etc)? Being deficient or even low can cause tiredness and a variety of other complications. Since you have confirmed inflammation then you are not absorbing nutrients properly (and with all that vomiting, assuming you're able to hold anything down) and your levels will likely be low and you will need supplements.

While you're having that blood work done, if you haven't already you should have your blood sugar tested. My mom was vomiting like you and it turned out her blood sugar was in the 400's. Gotta rule out Diabetes as well.

Yes it does sound like it could be Crohn's. Did the biopsies from the colonoscopy confirm anything?

How long have you been seeing this GI doctor? How long did it take them to order those 2 tests? If the answer is too long, even though they have begun some treatment, I'd start searching for another one cause this one seems a tad slow.

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