Probiotics ?

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Oct 11, 2008
So I had my followup visit today with my doctor... I thought it's been a year, but it has only been 6 months. Cripes either I'm getting old or I'm so busy I lose track of time.

Anyhow the question came up if I took any, and his suggestion is it can't hurt to take them, but most likely help moreso. The one he suggested was a multi-purpose one named Jarrophilus...and honestly I'm clueless on them all (and I hear there's only a jillion out there)

Anyone have any personal experience or wisdom to share on Probiotics ?
I just recently started on VSL#3 I haven't noticed any earth shattering improvements. There are several others here who might have more info.
A lot of people say probiotics are really important in Crohn's as it may be caused by bacterial imbalance. However I expect that if you keep eating sugar and starch which feed the bad guys then the probiotics won;t be able to do their job as they will not be enough to compete.
I have been taking an over the counter one and since a couple of days ago got some more heavy duty from the naturopath and so far I think I may feel worse, though they may take a while to take effect.
For the record, not that I like much of what he has to say, but my gastro thinks the idea of probiotics helping is nonsense. But I guess we will try anything won;t we?
When Mitch started probiotics he had three weeks of D (more so than before when when he wasn't on them), the naturopath advised us to just stick with them, as his body was probably experiencing die off. After he got through that he hasn't had any D at all. In our house we use Align -which has been great to reduce the urgency, it's also a very easy one to culture into yogurt as it is a single strain probiotic (bifidus infantus), we also use LB17 from Osumex. This is a probiotic that has been cultured over 3 years in extreme temperatures and is a more hardy probiotic that will actually "set up shop" in your body. I give them to my other 2 healthy sons as well as I'm quite worried that they will have Crohn's also - and this is my way of helping them have a healthy gut.
I take an OTC probiotic every day and I really think it has cut down on the amount of bm's I have every day. I can notice a difference when I run out. Might be worth a try - sure can't hurt anything.
I started a probiotic called align which was recommended by my GI. Not sure if it has helped but it did help reduce some bloat.
I take a probiotic called Probiolog as prescribed by my GI; it has 2 strains: Lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidus infantus. Don't know if it is doing much (as I'm taking many things now), but it doesn't seem to hurt. Also before, I tried OTC probiotics but they always gave me bad gas; but this one seems fine...
I'm in remission now, when I first started to feel better I had seriously bad wind I have normal probiotics (actimel) every day after my dietrician reccommended it - and it all stopped! He says it's because of going to the loo so much there isn't anything good left inside and the pro-biotics put it back. I think it's worth a try! Good luck x
My nutritional specialist of a mother in law has just prescribed me Saccharomyces boulardii which apparently has showed promising results in studies on Crohn's disease.
Thats an interesting bunch of supplements Nicci! How are you doing on all those and the pred/imuran combo?
I've been given probiotics by a naturopath too but different ones I think. Also some antiinflammatopry combo for rheumatoid and something with cartilage in it! All very expensive.

Anyway, hope you are doing well

I only just started the probiotics and the other supplements today. It's all together in one powder which I have to take two teaspoons of with water. It's not the tastiest thing in the world but it can't hurt to try I guess, haha. I'm pretty open to natural alternatives being used in conjunction with medication and such and my GI doesn't have any qualms with what I'm taking. It'll be interesting to see how it all goes. My Imuran dose is being upped today to 150mg so that should be interesting too.
I would take a high dose of probiotics, anything from whole foods is probably fine. Try to get one that has atleast 10-15 billion. sounds like a lot, but I am on 50 billion, and i want to go higher.

it does create some gas and bloating though, but i believe in the efficacy of it long term.

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