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Jun 24, 2010
Anyone else have this?

I am guessing I have either psoriasis or "extra-intestinal" skin inflammation. Mine is on the back of my neck so I mistook it for severe dandruff for years. Until the Humira cleared it up entirely. Now I think it's slowly coming back (I'm off the Humira). I hate it.
I have never had it but I do have another crohnie friend who has it and it is on her face. She was on Remicade and now Humira and it still comes back. She believes the stress can cause it too. She hates it too, and sometimes she gets it under her arms... skin issues can come and go. Are you in a stressful time now?
Gabrielle has some big problems with psoriasis on her face, neck, chest and back after she came off of the Prednisone and before she went on Cimzia. Now it's gone, but in return for the Cimzia taking away the psoriasis issues it has given her a new gift of open sores on her face :( and some other places as well.
Interesting how all of this really works isn't it ?
I have psoriasis as well, but I only ever get it either on the back of my neck or on my scalp so at least it can't be seen. I typically manage it with a tea tree oil shampoo and conditioner. I get it from a health store and while it's crazy expensive, it's worth it because it's very therapeutic and soothing and all natural so I don't have to worry about harsh chemicals or anything being absorbed through the skin and agitating it further.

I have noticed that stress and sugar really agitate my psoriasis as well as my crohn's so those are two things I try to keep to a minimum.
I have it on my hands, wrists, elbows, and scalp. For my scalp, I also use tea tree oil shampoo and conditioner. I agree with you, Toni! It is so soothing and so worth the money. My whole family uses it, psoriasis or not!

I was diagnosed with Psoriasis 17+ years ago, and UC has only been around for 3 years. I am one of those "lucky few" that also gets to "enjoy the pleasures" of Psoriatic Arthritis. It's very rare, and shows up around 10 years after initial skin flare, if at all. Mine came 11 years after dx'd with Psoriasis. Weird!
Hmmm. I may have to look in to this tea tree oil shampoo. I just think it smells so bad! :stinks:
Mine smells like Mint, which I happen to love Lol. :) You could always mix it up though. Like do a rotation that way if you can't stand it, it's not all the time, plus you make it last longer too.
Mine smells like Mint, which I happen to love Lol. :) You could always mix it up though. Like do a rotation that way if you can't stand it, it's not all the time, plus you make it last longer too.

That's a good idea... I will have to remember to pick some up. Thanks for the tips. :)
My boyfriend also has psoriasis, and for his scalp the ONLY thing he uses is neutrogena t-gel. he says nothing else works in the slightest. Even the generic brands of t-gel don't work as well for him. Its the coal tar that seems to help. :)
Does psoriasis cause the skin to flake? I have some bad flaking on my face at the moment and it's really embarrassing and depressing, no amount of googling seems to be able to help, I had this problem pre surgery and none of the gps I saw could give me a proper answer.:( I'm really hoping it is psoriasis because I've got my next infusion Thursday so in theory that should clear it up right? Otherwise I think I'm gonna go mad!
Yes it can cause your skin to flake. In some cases it will even cause plaques. You can google pictures of psoriasis and see if it looks familiar? I believe eczema also causes the skin to flake and that's a really common skin condition.

If it's making you go mad, maybe you should ask for a referral to a dermatologist? They should be able to treat it.
ANYBODY.. Please tell me if I am wrong. But my brother is dying from chasing the biologic "dream". I see people everywhere on these blog forums going from one biologic to another, getting worse and worse and worse all the while. and getting new problems on top of new problems.

The article on drug induced psoriasis is something that ALL people who suffer from any autoimmune disorder who's doctor's want to put them on any BIOLOGIC should do more homework on. The article makes the case that drug induced psoriasis goes away once the offending drug is stopped. The facts are that most cases of drug induced psoriasis do not go away.

And once you have ANY drug induced autoimmune disorder, you are on a one way trip.

My brother's trip began in 1999 with psoriasis arthritis. His doc gave him Enbrel. The Enbrel gave him drug induced psoriasis. Very mild, But it never went away. Then in 2008, he started Stelara for his psoriasis (with the promise"Oh, it's getting approved for PsA too")

The Stelara did not help his psoriatic arthritis, just as it is not helping anyone's psoriatic arthritis. So why is the FDA approving it for PsA?

What it did for him was to give him 6 different kinds of SEVERE, PERMANENT PSORIASIS.

PLEASE do your homework.

Don't believe me. But for your sake, don't believe the medical industry either. Do your own research.

Just go to ANY blog for any autoimmune disease EXCEPT psoriasis. Then type the search term psoriasis. And read the results.
Because YOU are the one who will have to live with the results. No one else. Just you.

God Bless and good health.
Peace to my GLB brothers and sisters.

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