Question about abscess in genital area, could this be a fistula?!? ( particularly ladies)!?!?
Hey there,
I have been a member on this forum for a few years now. I have not been diagnosed with Crohns though. I started having intestinal issues back about 5 years ago. I would get awful pain in my intestines( though at the time my stools were normal, I did Not have any diarrhea or anything.) My main symptom was pain and cramping feelings. I was given the whole IBS diagnosis. I kept having symptoms so my GI doc finally did some testing which at the time all came back normal( CT scan, MRE of small bowel, colonoscopy, blood work) so he stuck with his diagnosis of IBS. Anyhow fast forward, about 6 months ago I was taking a medication for one of my other illnesses( Interstitial Cystitis) and after being on it one day out of the blue I had some diarrhea. My bowels were not right for the next few months. I was still only having one BM daily, but it would be very soft and like pudding( sorry for the description). I had my regular doctor order a fecal calprotectin test and it was 348.5 where anything under 160 is considered normal. I showed this to my GI doc and he was not concerned and said it was only slightly elevated and lots of things could cause this. I also asked my regular primary care to do a C-reactive protein on me and it was elevated( at 158 ( normal is under 50). I am not sure if the medication I was taking( uribel for urinary tract) caused my bowels to get inflamed or what. I did have my primary care doc redo my c-reactive protein and it was normal 2 months later. This was like 5 months ago.
Now for my situation today. A few weeks ago I noticed a little lump under my skin kind of near the vagina( but not in the vagina) like on the right side of the vagina near the perineum . At the time it did not hurt at all and was small( like pea size). I figured it was an ingrown hair follicle as I had something similar three years ago and it just disappeared on it's own. Well about two weeks ago I woke up and was in the shower and all of of sudden I noticed this lump had gotten bigger like the size of a grape. I stared putting hot compresses on it thinking I could get it to come to a head. It did get a little white head and started leaking, but very little. I was afraid to pop it so I went to my dermatologist and she lanced it and drained it( this was this past Wednesday April 6th). She said probably an ingrown hair that got infected and turned into an abscess, so she sent a sample of the fluid to culture to see what bacteria it was. She gave me a ointment called municporin( I probably spelled that wrong) to put on it for a week. I called today to get the results of the culture and the nurse said it showed E-coli. Almost all Abscesses/boils caused by ingrown hair follicles or glands are usually all caused by Staph, so this is odd. I even asked the nurse if this was not common and she said, it is not as common as staph since staph is what is normally found on the skin in ingrown infected hair follicles.
I am a super clean person( meaning, when I have a BM, I wipe very very well and bottle wash as well as shower immediately afterwards). I have to do this because I have IC of the bladder and am very prone to UTI's so I make sure I stay very clean after having a BM. I am perplexed at how e-coli could have gotten in this lump from the outside with how clean I am. Also, this abscess was in-between where the anus and vagina is, except more towards the right side . I could see if it was right next to my rectum how e-coli may have gotten in it when I used the toilet, but this is not right next to the anus. I am going to see my gyne on Thursday to have her take a swab of my vagina to see if maybe I have e-coli colonizing the vagina . If that proves negative, then what are the chances this is a fistula?? How would I know? Where do Abscesses/fistula's usually appear? I may be way off here, but I just do not know what to think and am worried. Do Abscesses/ fistulas usually show up close to the vagina in women?? I have not ever experienced an abscess before. Like I said, I had a lump under the skin about three years ago, though this lump was a little closer to my anal area and at the time I showed it to my GI doc and he said it was nothing to be worried about. That lump just disappeared on it's own, I mean it never even came to a head at all. Due to the culture showing e-coli in this abscess worries me since staph is the most common bacteria to find in infected hair follicles. What are your thoughts on this??
Hey there,
I have been a member on this forum for a few years now. I have not been diagnosed with Crohns though. I started having intestinal issues back about 5 years ago. I would get awful pain in my intestines( though at the time my stools were normal, I did Not have any diarrhea or anything.) My main symptom was pain and cramping feelings. I was given the whole IBS diagnosis. I kept having symptoms so my GI doc finally did some testing which at the time all came back normal( CT scan, MRE of small bowel, colonoscopy, blood work) so he stuck with his diagnosis of IBS. Anyhow fast forward, about 6 months ago I was taking a medication for one of my other illnesses( Interstitial Cystitis) and after being on it one day out of the blue I had some diarrhea. My bowels were not right for the next few months. I was still only having one BM daily, but it would be very soft and like pudding( sorry for the description). I had my regular doctor order a fecal calprotectin test and it was 348.5 where anything under 160 is considered normal. I showed this to my GI doc and he was not concerned and said it was only slightly elevated and lots of things could cause this. I also asked my regular primary care to do a C-reactive protein on me and it was elevated( at 158 ( normal is under 50). I am not sure if the medication I was taking( uribel for urinary tract) caused my bowels to get inflamed or what. I did have my primary care doc redo my c-reactive protein and it was normal 2 months later. This was like 5 months ago.
Now for my situation today. A few weeks ago I noticed a little lump under my skin kind of near the vagina( but not in the vagina) like on the right side of the vagina near the perineum . At the time it did not hurt at all and was small( like pea size). I figured it was an ingrown hair follicle as I had something similar three years ago and it just disappeared on it's own. Well about two weeks ago I woke up and was in the shower and all of of sudden I noticed this lump had gotten bigger like the size of a grape. I stared putting hot compresses on it thinking I could get it to come to a head. It did get a little white head and started leaking, but very little. I was afraid to pop it so I went to my dermatologist and she lanced it and drained it( this was this past Wednesday April 6th). She said probably an ingrown hair that got infected and turned into an abscess, so she sent a sample of the fluid to culture to see what bacteria it was. She gave me a ointment called municporin( I probably spelled that wrong) to put on it for a week. I called today to get the results of the culture and the nurse said it showed E-coli. Almost all Abscesses/boils caused by ingrown hair follicles or glands are usually all caused by Staph, so this is odd. I even asked the nurse if this was not common and she said, it is not as common as staph since staph is what is normally found on the skin in ingrown infected hair follicles.
I am a super clean person( meaning, when I have a BM, I wipe very very well and bottle wash as well as shower immediately afterwards). I have to do this because I have IC of the bladder and am very prone to UTI's so I make sure I stay very clean after having a BM. I am perplexed at how e-coli could have gotten in this lump from the outside with how clean I am. Also, this abscess was in-between where the anus and vagina is, except more towards the right side . I could see if it was right next to my rectum how e-coli may have gotten in it when I used the toilet, but this is not right next to the anus. I am going to see my gyne on Thursday to have her take a swab of my vagina to see if maybe I have e-coli colonizing the vagina . If that proves negative, then what are the chances this is a fistula?? How would I know? Where do Abscesses/fistula's usually appear? I may be way off here, but I just do not know what to think and am worried. Do Abscesses/ fistulas usually show up close to the vagina in women?? I have not ever experienced an abscess before. Like I said, I had a lump under the skin about three years ago, though this lump was a little closer to my anal area and at the time I showed it to my GI doc and he said it was nothing to be worried about. That lump just disappeared on it's own, I mean it never even came to a head at all. Due to the culture showing e-coli in this abscess worries me since staph is the most common bacteria to find in infected hair follicles. What are your thoughts on this??
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