Question about acid reflux

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Oct 13, 2009
Does acid reflux sound like something that could be from the crohn's itself or from prednisone? I get it now after everything I eat and I don't know if its my meds or just ANOTHER symptom to deal with :-( ..... Just curious. I can live with it because there are worse things to come, but I was just wondering if anyone else has that too and if it went away on a different med later in life or whatnot.

Thanks! It's not so bad but just enough to get annoying. I make sure I eat with the prednisone, because its nasty enough as it is [I have to dissolve it in a little bit of water to take it, never could swallow pills :-( ]
Shantel is right, it is one of the many crohn's related issues. I have a Hiatus Hernia and my sister has Acid reflux, could be a hereditary thing too. I have found with Prednisone, antibiotics and vomiting are a great contribution for acid reflux. I eat smaller meals, low acidic foods, and drink water. I read in a book that could also be alot of bacteria in the stomach area. I can take any pill but fill my mouth with water and swallow them but if you scrape a prednisone on the back of your tongue, ew.
Im currently experiencing what they think is this. But what happens is I just get a burning sensation in my stomach when food hits, not like hearburn but just in my stomach itself. I was put on medication today to hopefully help.
Prednisone can cause stomach ulcers. So if you are feeling very bad acid reflux while on it, you need to take something to protect your stomach like Nexium or Zantac. You can ask your doctor about this....
Thanks everybody! I'll have to look for something I could take similar to nexium or prilosec or whatever because I've been going at the training for pill swallowing for over 13 years now and just cant do it. I cant even swallow the little vitamin b12 dots that are the size of a pepper seed. I know its all mental but I just cant do it. I tried swallowing the pred when i got it, but it winds up dissolving in my mouth and its downright sickening. the water works for now. I tried tums yesterday but they didnt help the acid. I'm not even sure if its acid or not, my throat feels "pukey" like I am about to or just got sick. It gets all dry and Ill have to keep clearing it. Who knows. I have an apt on the 29th so I will ask my dr then.

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