Hi everyone.
Ok, as you all know I had a colonoscopy done this past Friday and gastro said it all looked normal. I have issues with my bladder as it is ( Interstitial cystitis) and also am prone to UTI's. I have to be on low dose antibiotics daily to prevent UTI's, I have been on them for the last 5 years.
Well yesterday I noticed I was having some vaginal discharge. Nothing new, I mean we all get discharge. Well I happened to smell it and it had a not so nice odor. Well I went out and bought one of those vagisil test kits that can test your vaginal PH to see if there is an infection. Well mine tested positive. So I called my gyne and she was out for the day. I then called my regular doctor and talked to the nurse and explained it all to her. She said Yep, it sounds like you have bacterial vaginosis. She prescribed to me a gel you put up there called metrogel. It is flagyl but in the vaginal form.
Ok, Here is thing, I am 100% certain this vag infection is due to that prep and all the diarrhea I had. I mean I have NEVER had BV ( bacterial vaginosis before). I know some women can get it after they are sexually active, but I have not even been sexually active in a long while due to all these health issues I am dealing with so that is not the case either.
Here is the thing, I was soooo careful when I was having all that water poop from the prep. I held a clean paper towel over my vagina everytime I went! I was very careful. How did this happen?? My colonoscopy supposedly came out clear, the gastro did not see anything, he said it looked normal. I mean is it possible that there is a fistula in my colon to the vagina that could have let some of that water poop leak in my vagina when I did that prep?? I mean I cannot figure out how I could have gotten this BV infeciton. I mean I did have the test right after my period ended so that could have played a part too in terms of my vagina being vunerable at that time, I just don't know. My gastro says he thinks I have a bad case of IBS and that is what is causing all my intestinal pains. I am not so sure. I just have never known anyone with this bad of pain with IBS! I don't know what to think..
Would the gastro have seen if there was a fistula to the vagina during the colonoscopy if there was one? I mean would there have been some sort of redness or something there if there was one there?? I mean I am just so frustrated right now. Nothing can ever go smoothly for me! Here I was thinking, maybe, just maybe I got through this colonoscopy without any repercussions.... NOT!!!!
I have never had anything like this before( BV). Anyone else deal with this? I took the first dose of metrogel last night. I just don't like the idea of using this crap down there as they say when you kill off the bacteria down there, then you will likely get a yeast infection and it becomes a viscious cycle, you get BV, take meds to kill that, then you get a UTI, then a yeast infection, then BV again, and it goes on an on. This is NOT what I need. Any suggestions ladies on how to combat this thing before it gets out of control? Already my bladder is starting to act up too! So now I got an upset vagina, upset bladder and upset intestines!! I mean what Fresh hell is this that I am in all due to the colonoscopy which has given me NO answers!!!:ybatty:
Ok, as you all know I had a colonoscopy done this past Friday and gastro said it all looked normal. I have issues with my bladder as it is ( Interstitial cystitis) and also am prone to UTI's. I have to be on low dose antibiotics daily to prevent UTI's, I have been on them for the last 5 years.
Well yesterday I noticed I was having some vaginal discharge. Nothing new, I mean we all get discharge. Well I happened to smell it and it had a not so nice odor. Well I went out and bought one of those vagisil test kits that can test your vaginal PH to see if there is an infection. Well mine tested positive. So I called my gyne and she was out for the day. I then called my regular doctor and talked to the nurse and explained it all to her. She said Yep, it sounds like you have bacterial vaginosis. She prescribed to me a gel you put up there called metrogel. It is flagyl but in the vaginal form.
Ok, Here is thing, I am 100% certain this vag infection is due to that prep and all the diarrhea I had. I mean I have NEVER had BV ( bacterial vaginosis before). I know some women can get it after they are sexually active, but I have not even been sexually active in a long while due to all these health issues I am dealing with so that is not the case either.
Here is the thing, I was soooo careful when I was having all that water poop from the prep. I held a clean paper towel over my vagina everytime I went! I was very careful. How did this happen?? My colonoscopy supposedly came out clear, the gastro did not see anything, he said it looked normal. I mean is it possible that there is a fistula in my colon to the vagina that could have let some of that water poop leak in my vagina when I did that prep?? I mean I cannot figure out how I could have gotten this BV infeciton. I mean I did have the test right after my period ended so that could have played a part too in terms of my vagina being vunerable at that time, I just don't know. My gastro says he thinks I have a bad case of IBS and that is what is causing all my intestinal pains. I am not so sure. I just have never known anyone with this bad of pain with IBS! I don't know what to think..
Would the gastro have seen if there was a fistula to the vagina during the colonoscopy if there was one? I mean would there have been some sort of redness or something there if there was one there?? I mean I am just so frustrated right now. Nothing can ever go smoothly for me! Here I was thinking, maybe, just maybe I got through this colonoscopy without any repercussions.... NOT!!!!
I have never had anything like this before( BV). Anyone else deal with this? I took the first dose of metrogel last night. I just don't like the idea of using this crap down there as they say when you kill off the bacteria down there, then you will likely get a yeast infection and it becomes a viscious cycle, you get BV, take meds to kill that, then you get a UTI, then a yeast infection, then BV again, and it goes on an on. This is NOT what I need. Any suggestions ladies on how to combat this thing before it gets out of control? Already my bladder is starting to act up too! So now I got an upset vagina, upset bladder and upset intestines!! I mean what Fresh hell is this that I am in all due to the colonoscopy which has given me NO answers!!!:ybatty:
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