Went into doctor and have some questions for those of you who have had surgery. I was diagnosed with Crohns a few months ago. I had a colonoscopy and dr found that colon was ulcerated and inflamed. Barium xray and CT scan confirmed a large amount of inflammation in the small intestine, and possibly also scar tissue, which I understand can only be identified as scar tissue during surgery. I was on prednisone, which dr stated did not improve my disease. I'm taking Humira now, but also may not be responding to this properly. I have to wait a few weeks and if no improvement, will have to get surgery.
My question is regarding the surgery and the use of a bag. The dr stated that the surgery will remove the 7-8 inches of diseased small intestine (and I believe a connecting area of the intestine). The dr stated that if the two parts can be connected during surgery, then it will be connected. But if there is too much scar tissue, then I will need to wear a bag for a couple-few months until the scar tissue heals and the two parts (sorry don't know all the terminology) can be connected.
I'm really worried about this surgery and how you live with a bag? Can you swim with it? Can you exercise/live a normal life with a bag? How do you actually use it? For those that had to use a bag, how long did you have it for?
Also, is it correct that the only time you would have a bag for life is if you had the entire colon removed? Is it true that you would only have the entire colon removed if you had ulcerative colitis?
I'm so glad that this forum exists! I just want my life to return to being somewhat normal soon.
Went into doctor and have some questions for those of you who have had surgery. I was diagnosed with Crohns a few months ago. I had a colonoscopy and dr found that colon was ulcerated and inflamed. Barium xray and CT scan confirmed a large amount of inflammation in the small intestine, and possibly also scar tissue, which I understand can only be identified as scar tissue during surgery. I was on prednisone, which dr stated did not improve my disease. I'm taking Humira now, but also may not be responding to this properly. I have to wait a few weeks and if no improvement, will have to get surgery.
My question is regarding the surgery and the use of a bag. The dr stated that the surgery will remove the 7-8 inches of diseased small intestine (and I believe a connecting area of the intestine). The dr stated that if the two parts can be connected during surgery, then it will be connected. But if there is too much scar tissue, then I will need to wear a bag for a couple-few months until the scar tissue heals and the two parts (sorry don't know all the terminology) can be connected.
I'm really worried about this surgery and how you live with a bag? Can you swim with it? Can you exercise/live a normal life with a bag? How do you actually use it? For those that had to use a bag, how long did you have it for?
Also, is it correct that the only time you would have a bag for life is if you had the entire colon removed? Is it true that you would only have the entire colon removed if you had ulcerative colitis?
I'm so glad that this forum exists! I just want my life to return to being somewhat normal soon.