
Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jun 15, 2011

I'm brand new here, I haven't really visited internet forums before.....but I got told this morning that I am going to need a small bowel resection. I have an appointment with the surgeon on Friday morning and am pretty confused, nervous and unsure of what to ask/expect etc.

This is all new territory for me; I was diagnosed with crohn's about 6 years ago during what they thought was my appendix bursting! Since then I have been lucky enough to avoid s
surgery although I came very close once I was treated with full gut rest and tpn.

I'm currently on prednisone (a last ditch effort at avoiding surgery) but start weaning tomorrow. is it likely they will operate whilst I am still on it? will I be completely weaned
off or just at a lower dose?

I'm not currently on any food restrictions. is this likely to change after surgery?

Is there prep before the surgery?

Is it likely I will end up with a bag?

how long is recovery likely to take? can I eat afterwards or will I be on tpn again?

Mostly, I'm not sure what I should be expecting or key questions to ask the surgeon?
I am sure you probably have answered these questions a hundred times before but I appreciate any advice you have as I find too often the doctors don't tell you what you really want to know. and it is good to see what other peoples doctors say.

thanks in advance! it is nice to have found somewhere to ask all these questions!
Hi tcam - Firstly, I haven't been thru surgery so can't answer your questions but am sure there are loads of peeps on here who can. What I would suggest is that you write a list of questions and take it into your surgeons office with you. I'm sure they won't mind and when you are recieving lots of information its easy to forget to ask things. Also, if you can take someone else with you, this just means that two people hear the info and can help you take it all in. You already have a good list of questions to start with so good luck xx
Hi Tcam and welcome! I, too, have not had surgery, so I don't have any advice. However, many of our members have and I am sure would be happy to answer your questions. And I bet if you post your questions in the Surgery sub-forum you'll get a better response:

If you do need surgery, I hope it goes well and you have a speedy recovery. And just think - it may give you years of remission! Good luck!
Hi tcam!

I was going to make the same suggestion as Jill and refer you to the Surgery sub-forum (which is located within the Treatment forum, if you are trying to find it later). There are tons of people going through surgeries or had surgeries that had the same questions you do. Don't feel bad for asking questions others have already asked. The forum is filled with wonderful, supportive people that want to help. :)

I think you have a great set of questions to start out with. Bringing someone with you is also a great suggestion. It can be very overwhelming to hear information, especially involving surgery. So, it's good to have another set of ears to help counteract the things you may miss.

Don't feel bad going in with a huge list of questions either. You're paying to see the surgeon, so you shouldn't leave until all of your questions have been answered.

Hang in there and keep us posted!
Welcome Tcam, I'm glad you found your way here.

I don't have the answers you seek, but I hope you check out the surgery forum that was linked above. I'm sure it'll go well for you. I wish you all the best!

Hi Tcam,
Brief answers for you:
-they'll try to lower your Pred or wean you off before surgery as it slows healing
-after surgery you'll wait until you get bowel sounds (bowels begin moving again) before you start a light diet, and then progress to fairly normal diet. It varies with each person. It will depend on how you feel as to whether you can go to a high fibre diet, and whether any illness returns.
- most surgeons don't require prep for small bowel surgery, other than fasting the night before.
- doubtful you will need a bag unless extensive resection required. Ask whether there is any large bowel involvement and how much they think needs resecting.
-recovery is a few weeks but the first few days are the ones where you will get pain meds, probably through a self administered system. You shouldn't need TPN unless you are really skinny and debilitated.
good luck with it all.
Hi Tcam,
Brief answers for you:
-they'll try to lower your Pred or wean you off before surgery as it slows healing

In addition to that they told me that the Pred makes the tissue brittle, so you might want to ask how long after the weaning of the Pred they would want to do surgery.

Good luck at the appointment!
Hi TCam and welcome!

I know surgery is really scary, but it is likely that you will feel sooooooo much better after your resection that it will be well worth it!

I agree with the others that you should write yoru questions out and bring with you to your surgery consult. If you can bring someone with you to your consult, even better. You'll be nervous and anxious and it helps to have someone else listening to the doc as well.

Good luck - I am sure you'll do fine!

- Amy