Rancid fish oil capsules?

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May 5, 2010
Up until now, I haven't been picky about the brand of fish oil capsules that I purchase, but I think that's about to change. I've just been buying the generic ones they have at Target. I just got a new bottle and opened it up, and the capsules look cloudy instead of clear like they usually are, and there's a definite fishy smell to the bottle even though the label says "odorless". I've never had rancid fish oil capsules before, does this sound like they've gone rancid to you guys?
I've never bought any brand that "smelled". Did you check the expiration date ?
I would take them back and exchange them :)
Yeah, the expiration date says they should be good through 12/13! But I just found the receipt so I'm definitely going to take them back. Especially since the label says "odorless" but that's clearly not the case when I open the bottle.
If they smelled fishy, I would return them. I've been seeing a lot of people speak positively of krill oil which you may want to look into.
I've had fish oil go rancid. It stunk really bad! But we had had them awhile, so that was our bad. We take krill oil now. I think it has a longer shelf life.
I looked into a supplement for Matt and decided to go with Krill Oil over of Fish Oil. As the others have said Cat, might be worth looking into as an alternative. It is more expensive but I felt it was a superior product.

Dusty. xxx
Thanks all! I returned the rancid bottle and got my money back. I am intrigued by Krill oil and decided to try it - but Target doesn't seem to carry it. So, I went to Whole Foods, as they've got like 3 vitamin aisles and I was sure they'd have it. But, sadly no! The hippie dude working in the vitamin aisle when I went there informed me that "krill is food for whales man, and we're like not going to take away their food, so we don't sell krill oil here." Grr! I know certain whale populations are endangered but I have never heard anything about baleen whales being in trouble and I know that there's zillions upon zillions of krill in the sea, so that sounded like hippie BS to me. So anyway, I didn't want to go on a wild goose chase, so I just bought some regular fish oil (not rancid, yay) from Whole Foods since I was there, and I will seek out Krill oil once this bottle runs out. Where do you guys get yours, do many stores carry it or should I look online?
I buy Matt's from an online pharmacy but normal pharmacies sell it, I buy the Swisse brand. I have also seen it in supermarkets that sell that brand of vitamins.

Dusty. xxx
Ew Cat, take them back-def rancid! My husband takes fish oil with cholesterol meds-his doctor says the Kirkland brand from Costco is the best-as in highest potency. I also freeze them, just to be on the safe side, so they don't go rancid or get fish burps.

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