For the last 8+ weeks, I feel that I have been going through a Crohn's flare up based on some preliminary fecal and blood results and symptoms, as well as my GI telling me he is 65% sure. Terrible stomach pains and cramping (both left and right side below rib cage), pain when holding my babies (which sucks!!!) or any pressure against my stomach, lower back pain. I have also had a sharp stabbing pain in the center of my back; feels like it comes from the inside out, when this occurs, it itches and when I go to scratch it, its numb.
The GI I am seeing has conducted blood work, fecal test, ultra sound, an endoscopy, a colonoscopy, a lower GI, and a camera capsule endoscopy. All tests revealed borderline Crohn's, but no clear diagnosis. I am scheduled for a double balloon Enteroscopy to take a biopsy of a suspicious area revealed in the camera-capsule test, which so happens to be on the right side below my rib cage where I have pain when press against or any pressure applied to that area.
Since the camera test, my Dr seems to now think it may be celiac disease or a bacterial overgrowth (although he has not ruled out Crohn's). I strongly feel otherwise and believe it's Crohn's (he was 65% sure diagnosis would be Crohn's up until this last test, mainly based on my family history (two cousins on opposite sides with Crohn's) and the fact that I haven't changed my eating patterns and suddenly became sick for the first time in 10 years (I had one other episode like this that was ultimately diagnosed as Pancreatitis, which was caused by a B12 deficiency because my body was not absorbing the vitamin.
My question is, has anyone ultimately been diagnosed with Crohn's after several borderline tests? Are any of the symptoms familiar to anyone else? This process, as all of you know, is quite frustrating, especially since this is the second time in 10 years going though the battery of tests with negative results.
Thanks ahead of time for any help, advice and support, I really appreciate it...
The GI I am seeing has conducted blood work, fecal test, ultra sound, an endoscopy, a colonoscopy, a lower GI, and a camera capsule endoscopy. All tests revealed borderline Crohn's, but no clear diagnosis. I am scheduled for a double balloon Enteroscopy to take a biopsy of a suspicious area revealed in the camera-capsule test, which so happens to be on the right side below my rib cage where I have pain when press against or any pressure applied to that area.
Since the camera test, my Dr seems to now think it may be celiac disease or a bacterial overgrowth (although he has not ruled out Crohn's). I strongly feel otherwise and believe it's Crohn's (he was 65% sure diagnosis would be Crohn's up until this last test, mainly based on my family history (two cousins on opposite sides with Crohn's) and the fact that I haven't changed my eating patterns and suddenly became sick for the first time in 10 years (I had one other episode like this that was ultimately diagnosed as Pancreatitis, which was caused by a B12 deficiency because my body was not absorbing the vitamin.
My question is, has anyone ultimately been diagnosed with Crohn's after several borderline tests? Are any of the symptoms familiar to anyone else? This process, as all of you know, is quite frustrating, especially since this is the second time in 10 years going though the battery of tests with negative results.
Thanks ahead of time for any help, advice and support, I really appreciate it...