Really scared!!!

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Undiagnosed Teenager
Dec 30, 2011
I have my gastrocopy (spelt that wrong no doubt) and colonoscopy on Thursday. It's Monday now and i'm poorly just because I am. Tomorrow i'm hardly allowed to eat and then Wednesday I start Picolax prep.

What's one of the worst things you could do? Read up on how the prep is going to make you feel. I'm terrified! I've fought good and hard for four years to get these scopes done, but now it's days away, i'm dreading the prep.

I'm in no way worried or scared about the actual proceedure. I am going to be asleep for both happening at the same time more or less.

I'm terrified, petrified and scared of this prep! I get soo poorly if I don't eat because it feels as though I can feel the pain more and the food layers the intestines making it less painful. Gosh. Doubt that makes sense but it does in my head!!

I'm drinking picolax, as i've said. I'm scared of the taste, the bowel movements, how it's going to affect my body. I don't want to want to vomit at all and i'm scared I will and i'll just feel so ill and I am dreading it!

Any words of advice? I'm so, so scared!!! :frown:
Try not to be scared, I know that is easier said than done. I suggest you scratch the prep they gave you an do the miralax prep. You get the 28 oz size of miralax and two 32 oz gatorade. Only the light purple or light blue. Mix the miralax evenly into both and shake well. This he best prep I have ever done. I have had many Colonoscopys. It doesn't taste bad and is easy on your bowels. Good luck to you.

Dx: Crohn's in 03/2011
Bowel resection 02/2012
It's ok, I had picolax! Don't worry about the prep. At the time I was really, really upset and depressed about it all, but I only had to drink 2 breakfast-juice sized glasses because I only had two sachets. Not eating was terrible for me as well since I felt so weak... but you know what nobody ever mentions?
How amazing it feels when you're done with the prep. Like, if nothing's coming out and hasn't been for a while, and you think it's safe to go to bed... it's the most amazing feeling ever. I was bouncing around my room for a while before putting a towel down and going to bed, even though I was running on empty!

I think the taste isn't actually that bad. It was like lemon juice, but salty? I just had a couple of huge glasses of apple juice next to me (since I can't really tolerate apple juice well anyway, I thought why not give the D a bit of a boost? LOL) and sipped continually because I didn't want to vomit either.

But again - you'll feel so amazing once it's done (and tired, but never mind that!) and that's just before the scope!

Hope everything goes well for you and you get some answers :)
I really feel for you, I remember how scared I was before mine.
I'm not sure I can give you much advice because I had Moviprep, it honestly wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be though.

If you don't do what Shan728 suggests then I have a couple of bits of advice that my doctor gave me before I did it.
If it tastes bad, drink it through a straw then you'll bypass the taste buds.
When you're clearing out, try to keep that passage lubricated with vaseline or similar.
If you feel like throwing up then you should call the hospital and they might suggest that you stop the prep and you may be given something else.

I hope I've helped even just a little bit and don't be scared! It'll all be worth it for the results :)
I mix Picolax prep with blackcurrant hi juice and add more water, and drink it with a straw. I tend to take a little at a time because if i take too much i feel sick. Make sure you drink lots of liquid, and i even have clear soups - i fine sieve them and eat them with a spoon - it makes me feel as though i have had a meal.
The trips to the toilet are tedious, especially when you are almost empty!!
Good luck, and let us know how you get on.
Oh just thought i'd add you can get some anti sickness pills perscribed from the Dr if you are really scared of vomiting.
I just had to do it a couple weeks ago the orange flavor isnt that bad just drink it with a cup of water real fast. Dont think just do.. Drink lots of gatorade the stuff you can see through.:)
In addition to what the others have suggested, I would like to add that you should get some wet flushable wipes. You may get fairly raw from all the going, so be as nice to your bottom as you can. A good cream (something like barrier cream/diaper cream) would help too. I like Calmoseptine but I don't think they have that in the UK. Take a look around and see what creams you can find, your bum will thank you for it.

My other suggestion, particularly since you said you're nervous, is to distract yourself! During prep you'll be in the bathroom a lot so make sure you have plenty to do. Get a good book or a good movie, something fun that will make you laugh and distract you from being nervous. The last time I did prep, I watched Mr. Bean on my portable DVD player, it was funny and kept my mind off of things. Try to relax as much as you can - take a bath in between potty trips, light some candles, do whatever you feel will be nice and will take your mind off of things. I know that's easier said than done. Hang in there, just a few days to go and then it'll be a thing of the past!