Reassurance needed please, terrified about Liver!

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Jan 31, 2014
Hi peeps,

Really need some reassurance right now! Been on 6mp for two months side effect free has brought my severe UC under control. Any fast forward routine bloods last week show my ALT 168 CRP < 3 so thats normal ESR 17. My ibd nurse never mentioned the other so assuming the rest are ok. I have been of the 6mp for a week before last weeks bloods because of decreased wcc. I'm terrified its pcs because my AST became elevated despite stopping it. My nurse thinks its the 6mp, my brain thinks Im dying! It doesn't help I am a Nurse Specialist so over analysis it all, I asked on another group too but got told to stop googling im like i cant stop my medical knowledge I already have. So logically what do you guys think? I'm sure I am not the first to stress like this.

My bloods are to be repeated in a week but in the mean time I'm so worried!
Hi NurseAdam. I'd hate to go through all this as a medical professional. I've been on Imuran since last May. I used to get weekly blood work. Now I go once a month. My liver function tests cycle from fine to elevated on a regular basis. I hope it's nothing. Sending you my support and best wishes.
I think its normal to stress when a test comes back with something unexpected and even though its good advice not to get worked up it can be really hard not to. It could have just been the medication and it's taking a while for things to get back to normal I would wait to see what your next blood test says. Hang in there with the wait and hopefully all the worry will be for nothing x
Thanks, I wish we had a switch in our heads to turn off worry I'm sure that would help us all. Hey DJW its not easy being both, I have a couple of friends who have ibd and are medical professionals and they say the same. Trouble is the worrying and anxiety part of the brain uses the knowledge up there to come out to the worse case scenario. Haha many moons ago back in my uni days on the very first day they told to be prepared as we will imagine we have caught every disease known to man at some point! Sooo true lol.