Last week after a colonoscopy I was diagnosed with colitis and "potential" crohn's. My syptoms prior to the colonoscopy were 3 weeks of diarreha with blood by the last week. My doctor put my on an iron supplement and scheduled the colonoscopy. 3 or 4 days prior to the colonoscopy symptoms went away and I feel fine. Normal bowel movements, not tired, go to the gym everyday and no loss of appetite. These are most of the symptoms I have been reading from other people. My doctor now wants to put me on 6 pills a day as well as a nightly enima of medication. I am 32 years old and before the 3 weeks of loose stool I have never had an issue. Is this diagnosis a little pre-mature? All I take on a daily basis is a fish oil pill, protien, and daily vitamin (and now iron). I am not crazy about taking all of this medication when I feel fine. I also just changed jobs, went to a rotating 12 hr schedule, sat in front of an engineering committee to get licensed, sold a condo at a loss and bought a house at the endge of my spending limit. Could all of this have anything to do with me not being regular during this time?