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Apr 4, 2012

I was diagnosed with CD about 2 months ago after a colonoscopy and 18 months of being told I was stressed and probably had IBS. I have been put on pentasa which has helped with my D but not the pain so much. It's a bit of a shock for me being 27 and having a strange idea I was invincible :redface:

I am a little worried and unsure about what this might mean for me in the future...hopefully I will be self-employed as I am part way down this track already, but I see that 7+ years in full remission is quite uncommon. Everyone seems to handle it differently, which makes it a bit hard to short track getting better and feeling well. Are flare ups usually quite common? Like every few months or more like once a year?

I had an idea to try and get really fit rather than moderately fit when I am well, to help my body just be in better health, and was wondering if this has helped others? Maybe to aim for a marathon/triathalon etc. Or does anyone have any ideas on how to achieve a sense of control over my body so I feel that my CD isn't controling me? :voodoo:

I've really enjoyed reading other stories and think the support in this forum is great:mademyday:
I was diagnosed just last week, and its definitely a shock to learn about all the different things that could go wrong, and about all the many treatment options and how confusing/scary it is to go forward. I guess I am just thinking that I can relate. I think it makes sense to be in good health as best as possible so that our bodies can be stronger when flares occur. I am starting to think that stress and anxiety may play a role in the overall health picture, too. Just a thought.

Thanks for posting.

Hiya Watergirl
and welcome

If you read the treatment sections on here you'll find other alternatives to Pentasa.
IMO Pentasa acts like a maintenance med, but you've got to get the inflammation under control first. If you're in pain then your Crohn's could be active and a short course of steroids such as Prednisolone or Entocort (depending where your CD is located) would blitz the inflammation, then Pentasa will maintain like an anti inflammatory; just my personal experience is all.
In the 7 years since my dx I've had one major flare which needed a week in hospital, so don't fret, take each day as it comes.
Also, our diet and fitness sections are full of info for you such as the low residue diet and food diary.
Good luck and
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Hello and :welcome: to the forum. You have definetly come to the right place to get info and support about this disease. There is no hard and fast rule about flare ups, as you may have seen we are all different with how this disease will behave. It certainly cannot hurt to try and be as healthy as possble though, definetly check out the diet and sups forum and keep a food diary on what sets you running to the loo as what is considered healthy for a 'normal' person (lots of fruit and veg etc) isn't always good for us.

I do agree with Joan that as you are still having pain then you need to speak to your doc about perhaps having a short course of steroids to get any inflammation gone.

Wishing you well soon.

Thanks everyone. I will go back to my doc and have a chat to her. I thought I might just have to live with the pain and that it was normal-glad to hear it's not.

I also did have a look after I posted at some of the other threads-so much information!! It's so cool having people to talk to who understand :)

Much love and good tummy days xo
Greetings and welcome to the forum :) I'm so glad you found your way here. Some stuff:

1. If you're still seeing the doctor who told you "IBS and stress" find a new one.
2. I agree with Astra who said Pentasa is a bit more of a maintenance med. If you still have pain, you need that knocked out.
3. I personally think you can take control by educating the ever-loving heck out of yourself. Become an expert in this disease so you can advocate for yourself and make sure you're getting the best treatment possible that coincide with your belief systems. There is a LOT to learn but we're here to help you with every step of that.

All my best to you.

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