I was diagnosed with CD about 2 months ago after a colonoscopy and 18 months of being told I was stressed and probably had IBS. I have been put on pentasa which has helped with my D but not the pain so much. It's a bit of a shock for me being 27 and having a strange idea I was invincible :redface:
I am a little worried and unsure about what this might mean for me in the future...hopefully I will be self-employed as I am part way down this track already, but I see that 7+ years in full remission is quite uncommon. Everyone seems to handle it differently, which makes it a bit hard to short track getting better and feeling well. Are flare ups usually quite common? Like every few months or more like once a year?
I had an idea to try and get really fit rather than moderately fit when I am well, to help my body just be in better health, and was wondering if this has helped others? Maybe to aim for a marathon/triathalon etc. Or does anyone have any ideas on how to achieve a sense of control over my body so I feel that my CD isn't controling me? :voodoo:
I've really enjoyed reading other stories and think the support in this forum is great:mademyday:
I was diagnosed with CD about 2 months ago after a colonoscopy and 18 months of being told I was stressed and probably had IBS. I have been put on pentasa which has helped with my D but not the pain so much. It's a bit of a shock for me being 27 and having a strange idea I was invincible :redface:
I am a little worried and unsure about what this might mean for me in the future...hopefully I will be self-employed as I am part way down this track already, but I see that 7+ years in full remission is quite uncommon. Everyone seems to handle it differently, which makes it a bit hard to short track getting better and feeling well. Are flare ups usually quite common? Like every few months or more like once a year?
I had an idea to try and get really fit rather than moderately fit when I am well, to help my body just be in better health, and was wondering if this has helped others? Maybe to aim for a marathon/triathalon etc. Or does anyone have any ideas on how to achieve a sense of control over my body so I feel that my CD isn't controling me? :voodoo:
I've really enjoyed reading other stories and think the support in this forum is great:mademyday: