As you all know Lucy my three year old daugther has chrons disease. Up until about 4 weeks ago ( with a minor glitch two weeks ago) her disease was very active and she was in constant pain going to the toilet and no combination of medication seemed to give her any relief.
I had bought the book 'toilet paper flowers' but had not read it for her yet so a few weeks ago I felt the time was right, so we read the book about 20 times over the space of a few days. She loves it and we now have toilet paper flowers all over the house.
It explains crohns very well in a way that young children can understand, explains the disgestive system and what a paediatric GI is and does.
Roll on this morning .. Lucy announced to me that Daisy, Annabelle and Tara are asleep Mammy. I say who are Daisy, Annabelle and Tara. Lucy says they are my Chronies and the are in bed in my wectum ( she doesnt pronounce her Rs properly) and to wing her gastroenterologist and tell him. Myself and my husband are still laughing.
Would really recommend this book (and I know it has been recommended on here before) as in some way it makes the whole idea of chrons disease normal and not a scary prospect for young children. I also read it to my older daughter Katie and I felt she understood more about what was going on with Lucy.
I had bought the book 'toilet paper flowers' but had not read it for her yet so a few weeks ago I felt the time was right, so we read the book about 20 times over the space of a few days. She loves it and we now have toilet paper flowers all over the house.
It explains crohns very well in a way that young children can understand, explains the disgestive system and what a paediatric GI is and does.
Roll on this morning .. Lucy announced to me that Daisy, Annabelle and Tara are asleep Mammy. I say who are Daisy, Annabelle and Tara. Lucy says they are my Chronies and the are in bed in my wectum ( she doesnt pronounce her Rs properly) and to wing her gastroenterologist and tell him. Myself and my husband are still laughing.
Would really recommend this book (and I know it has been recommended on here before) as in some way it makes the whole idea of chrons disease normal and not a scary prospect for young children. I also read it to my older daughter Katie and I felt she understood more about what was going on with Lucy.