Red itchy eye, see ped or opthomologist?

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Nov 16, 2014
DD had a bit of redness in her eye last night and woke this morning with it really red and itchy. some drainage, but none of the yellow,green thick stuff you think of with pink eye.

how do you distinguish between pink eye and Crohn's eye complications? Should I start with a visit to the ped, or try to get into the ped opthomologist today?

background: Crohn's (diag Nov 2014)
currently on Remicade and methotrexate as main med, bloodwork close to normal ranges at last infusion.
I skipped right to ped opth when my son had a red eye. Figured he could treat simple conjunctivitis but could also identify iritis or something more complicated. Ped would stop at conjunctivitis. Fortunately, our visit was a waste of time. But when I called and explained what I saw, the receptionist checked with dr and he said come right in. they don't mess around with kids with IBD or RA when parents report red eye. Good luck.
A used to get pink eye with clear drainage. Pedi said it was allergic pink eye (as opposed to viral or bacterial). A said her eyes burned and were very sensitive to light. My little one used to get viral pink eye with every cold...nasty yellow/green discharge, puffy eyes, but not painful (for her). Pink eye is very common.
My husband has had iritis many times. His eyes (or just one eye) become red and painful and very sensitive to light. They aren't itchy. Hope it's just pink eye.
Good news! Managed to sneak in an appt at the ped opthmologist. Serious allergy response to pollen,etc. We are in Washington DC and it gas been horrible here. He prescribed steroid eye drops.

So glad I was able to get her in on short notice. Thanks for the support. I was concerned I was overreacting, but he spent a long time looking at her eyes with the scope. Glad to rule out Crohn's type inflammation!
firemama- i felt the same! not something that would require trip to eye dr for my other child. But our kids with ibd have different risks. good outcome.

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