Red meat.. HELP!

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Feb 18, 2009
red meat.. HELP!

Hi there.... I'm suffering with some symptoms that are fairly new to my disease. I've had Crohns for 7 years... that 7 years ago they removed my ileum due to a blockage. Anyway, i've had what I thought were flares before but this one feels a little different. I've never noticed a problem with eating red meat.... my food problem is mostly just salad greens. In order to get some more iron into my diet, I broiled a bacon-wrapped filet mignon for dinner. I ate it with a baked potato and green beans. Sounds like a good meal, right? It was great! Then a few hours later I started to feel nauseous. I kept trying to just breathe through it and went to sleep. I woke up at 3 am and felt severely nauseas and ended up throwing up and had diarrhea also. This morning I was still nauseas... the nausea has luckily gone away but I am now left with a burning/hurting feeling in my stomach and a lot of bowel sounds. I've used the bathroom once today and it was diarrhea... I keep having this weird sensation of having to use the bathroom again or to emit gas and then it just doesn't happen and there is a bowel sound that happens after. Should I be worried? I know it sounds like a flare up.. when should I worry that its more of a blockage situation? PLEASE HELP FRIENDS... i'm scared and alone and in pain :(
Hmmm Well red meat isn't really the best thing to eat and should be only eating once a month from what I have read (Even thought I eat it twice a week or so). On that note they say If you do eat it have a lean tender cut of meat like a filet or prime rib. Also I don't know if you like it rare or well done but that is also a factor the more cooked it is the easer for your body to handle it. A baked potato should be fine unless you eat the skin of it, and green beans should be fine as well. It think the feeling nauseas and throwing up could be a sign of a blockage but you where having diarrhea so things where moving. But if you are in any pain still feel nauseas or have a fever I would give your doctor a call it never hurts to speak with them even if its an on-call doctor.It could be a flare but thats for you and your doctor to decide I hope you feel better soon.
people have said that a blockage is the worst pain ever, that if you're blocked, you know it from the pain. Some people can still have diarrhea of the fecal matter that was beyond the blockage, or if it's a partial blockage some stool can bypass the blockage. i would keep an eye on things, and as said above, if you start running a fever, or the pain gets worse, deffinately see a doc.

I know nothing of the red meat, as I haven't eaten any meat for about 17-18 years. However, if you had the skin of the baked potato, I know that can cause a world of hurt for me.

Keep an eye on things and feel better soon.
Hey there Broadway......It could also be a virus causing you some problems. That is the tough thing about this disease. You really never know for sure......I had really sharp pains and vomitted until there was only bile when I was obstructed. Keep an eye on it, if you feel something isn't right, go the ER. It's better to err on the side of caution.....Feel better:)
As I was reading the menu (which did sound *really* good!) the first thing I thought was the green beans. Were they fresh and then steamed? Fresh and steamed can give me problems sometimes (a lot of fiber). Red meat never seems to bother me even though I hear it is very hard to digest. I've never had any problems with it. Pain of 8 or higher (on a scale of 1 to 10) and a fever equals get your butt to the ER buddy. Maybe it is what IMP says and just a virus - give it another 24 hours and let's hope it passes.
Hi there

I have a narrowing/ stricture at the moment and I eat meat all the time with no problem. from the sound of your meal it would be the grean beans that would be a killer for me.
Couple of thoughts... I used to avoid red meat like the plague, until I became so anemic I was in trouble... I've since added it to my diet, in a limited fashion, AND I do a couple of things... first, it has to be lean, and even then I health grill it, never fry it. (even with the leanest cuts I can get, I still trim off as much visible fat as I can). Secondly, I cook it thoroughly... no rare or medium rare servings, as that can let some bacteria survive the cooking process... As for the other items you mention, I don't touch green veggies if I can avoid it, as I find they are too gassy... AND the potatoe skin... that's a no no for me too.
Oh, and if you are eating red meat, the oldest rule in the book to follow is to masticate thoroughly, chewing it as much as possible before swallowing, to allow your saliva to start the digestive process, and to give your GI tract the easiest job possible dealing with the protein. I know it sounds very basic, but sometimes it the basics we forget.
How are you doing? I hope things are better. You said your alone bit worried for you I prayed for you. Hang in there . dido on what Tamesis wrote.
The fat from the bacon wrapped around it can contribute to it, I cannot eat bacon period. Like Kev said , the leaner the better. I dont eat the red meat because it takes too long to digest and I am terrified it will get stuck. However I do have B12 shots monthly to make up for it. Trust me I love filet Mignon! Mmmmmm
Thank you all for your responses... I'm still struggling with discomfort in my stomach and lots of bowel sounds.... I know what the pain feels like from a blockage so I know i'm not there yet.. but it's still scary thinking that it could escalate to that.

The meat was cooked to medium and although I have never had a problem with it before, I bet that is probably contributing to my problems. I also never knew baked potato skin could cause problems! Good to know... The green beans were canned so I don't think they were the culprit. I will keep you all updated... I hope this discomfort goes away soon :( This disease is no fun anyway, but when you have additional problems its just unbearable aghh!!

Thanks again for all of your help and support.
The last time I ate meat I ended up in the hospital, I think it is too tough to digest and probably best to stay away from.
Funny how the last thing you remember eating before an obstruction.. My first one was shredded carrots from a McDonalds salad, duh... I thought it was shredded cheese! My others were because meat and was always on my period, always. My last one was from a bratwurst, never again and I dont even eat a hotdog, hardly worth the risk.
Everyone seems to be different so you need to be aware of what causes you problems... it sounds like you're already tuning into that.
I haven't eaten meat for over 20 years, although I started eating fish again a few years ago. I'm sure there must be types of meat you will be able to tolerate if you experiment cautiously
It's funny (???) but I had a minor flare starting a couple of weeks ago that I'm sure was caused by eating the skin of a baked potato. Had the usual... discomfort, cramping and weird weird noises from my bowels... even sounded like they were picking up radio transmissions

One of my biggest problems is not so much what I eat, but eating too much in one sitting... little and often is a good idea, especially if you're not feeling too well
I eat red meat almost everyday without problems.
I love T-Bones.

You must avoid green beans as same as high fiber vegetables.
I ate a Caesar Salad before my obstruction... still can't eat salad. Miss it though!! I guess i'm slowly finding out new things that I cannot have... Still struggling with cramping and noises and pain... I think I ate too much at my last meal which was really stupid... but I didn't eat at all yesterday so I was feeling famished!! Currently drinking stomach ease tea with a hot water bottle on my stomach. I wish there was some sort of pill that could make the inflammation go away on the spot!

I currently take pentasa, imuran, omeprazole, and colestid... although I haven't taken my colestid since the flair started since it is supposed to bulk up my stools... do I want that if my bowels are inflammed?