M Mommabear Joined Jul 25, 2014 Messages 116 Jan 30, 2015 #1 http://www.redhillbio.com/wp-conten...for-Crohns-Disease-Following-FDA-Meeting-.pdf
rollinstone Joined Dec 14, 2012 Messages 1,248 Jan 30, 2015 #2 Awesome that they've amended the eligibility criteria too, people on humira and remicade that still have moderate - severe disease are now eligible, exciting times ahead, here's hoping this is the ticket out of crohnsville.
Awesome that they've amended the eligibility criteria too, people on humira and remicade that still have moderate - severe disease are now eligible, exciting times ahead, here's hoping this is the ticket out of crohnsville.
Mattie Joined Jun 23, 2013 Messages 104 Feb 1, 2015 #3 Does anyone know if the Redhill trials are available in the UK too?