Reglan for GERD/stomach emptying?

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May 5, 2010
My GI just started me on Reglan (well, the generic version of it) yesterday. I have GERD but I don't really get heartburn - I reflux a lot, get the vurps, belch often, etc. I can feel stomach contents or even water come up my throat at times, but it doesn't burn, so it's more a reflux issue than an acid issue. GI feels I may have a hiatal hernia, and he suspects I may either have an issue with my stomach not emptying correctly or my esophagus not letting food into my stomach properly. He said the Reglan should help.

But, he also said that there's a fair risk of side effects, including a few serious ones like permanent tremor, so he is starting me out on a low dose (5 mg 2x per day) and he's having me keep a close eye on how I react to this drug, and if all goes well he'll slowly bump up my dosage.

This is getting to be too long already, but I'm just wondering if anyone else has taken this drug for GERD or stomach emptying issues? (I know it's used for nausea too, and when I did a forum search I only came up with a couple threads regarding Reglan and nausea.) If so, did it work for your GERD issues? Or if anyone has taken this med and experienced side effects? Any input would be appreciated, thanks!
Ask about domperidone. It is a safer version of Reglan assuming your not breast feeding but not sold in the US. I've been on both. domperidone has helped more since I could take a higher dose with out worrying about the termor issues.
I get mine via Canada. Most GI seem to know a way of get around the rules to import it. It has defilty helped my reflux issues.

watch out if you have tmj issues it can make that worse.
Interesting, thanks! I haven't heard of that but will do some googling and will ask my GI about it. I don't have any TMJ issues that I know of and am not pregnant nor breastfeeding so no worries there.
Update: I'm definitely stopping Reglan. No tremors, but I've got just about every other side effect. Heart palpitations, nausea & d (I'm in remission so these aren't the usual IBD nausea & d!), dizziness, and mood changes. Apparently the heart and mood stuff are listed in the "serious" side effects so I'm stopping this med. Waiting to hear back from my GI as to what to do next. I think he said that if I fail Reglan, he wants to do more tests, but if we try another med, I'll definitely ask about domperidone.

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