Hey everybody, I hope all you guys are well in these uncertain times. I am currently a high school senior and I am about ready to make my final decision on where i will be going to college this fall. A big concern between my parents and me is getting access to treatment. The school that I am leaning towards choosing, Iowa State, is about 5 hours away from home, which means if I were to attend, I would most likely need to arrange for treatments done there. My second choice school, UIC, is about an hour from my house, which means I could easily come home to get treatment done, however, it isn't necessarily more convenient. My current infusion center is only open from Monday-Thursday until 5, which makes it a bit more difficult. I would really like to go to Iowa State, but I think getting access to treatment is going to be the back breaker in the decision. Plus, I think my parents would like to see me go to UIC just for the convenience of everything, which upsets me.
Parents with kids in college, how do you guys manage everything with treatment? Did your son/daughter go to a school close to home for convenience of treatment so they could come home and get it done or did you allow them to far from home with treatments set up close to their school? I would appreciate anyone's feedback and advice as this is a very difficult decision for both me and my parents.
Parents with kids in college, how do you guys manage everything with treatment? Did your son/daughter go to a school close to home for convenience of treatment so they could come home and get it done or did you allow them to far from home with treatments set up close to their school? I would appreciate anyone's feedback and advice as this is a very difficult decision for both me and my parents.