Hello, this is my first post here. I was diagnosed with crohns disease in august 2011. I first was taking pentasa, then i was put on remicade ever since with no problems. Right now im in the process of switching medical insurances. I had an appointment with my new pcp (who happens to be a gastroentrologisgt) to get myself an appointment to get my next infusion. I was told it could take up to 2 weeks until I could get an appointment. My question is how long do i have until the effects of remdicade wear off? I had 300mg every 8 weeks and my next schedueld infusion was suspposed to be tomorrow. If i remember correctly my last GE told me that if i went off remicade there would be a good chance that my body would build an immunity to it and it would no longer effective; This is why i'm worried. I'm a 20 year old male by the way.