Remicade elidel (pimecrolimus )

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my little penguin

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Apr 15, 2012
Has anyone used both??
Our dermo is really pushing for it .
He will be talking to our Gi since he is against it.
Elidel has a black box warning for lymphoma add that to the warning from remicade :(. Not good
Other option is steriods which also have bad side effects on the face .
No advice at all, I have never even heard of it. But I wanted to let you know I am thinking of you. The black box warning would scare me.
I would want to be sure there isn't . another treatment that may work without a bb warning before using it. what is he prescribing it for?
Perioral dermitis that is very mild to say the least .
I found a few article ( medline etc ) that state sodium cromolyn cream can be used as an anti inflammatory agent and has proven success in atopic dermatitis so I am going to push for that next week.
Dermo felt the black box was in error by FDA .
But it has stated around for 7 years or more so ..
Not going to be our first choice. .
I completely understand.
My dermatologist often pooh poohs my concerns (He told me I was "stupid", literally, for d/cing topical steroids while pregnant/nursing-I didn't have an immediate concern but wondered if my child might have risks down the line from being exposed to something in utero...I am a DDT grandaughter with resulting gyn issues). Just because one physician doesn't personally have an experience with an adverse effect doesn't mean there is not a risk. ARGH!
Hoping that the other cream works for him!!
and I have been on elidel...i *thought* it sounded familiar.
Not familiar so much with elides but agree about being nervous about a black box warning and would try all other options first. Like the others said just because he has not seen an issue there is a reason that warning is on there!
I have read the studies they were flawed- the FDA agrees they were flawed.
Basically they gave rats/monkeys large oral doses of this stuff and cancer showed up.

All human studies with topical application have not been able to replicate the results so much so the fda change the statement to reflect no casual relationship can be seen but cancer has been reported in small numbers.

just not worth the battle for a mild skin thing to me.
too many other options out there to try

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