Remicade in China

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Apr 13, 2015
I plan to move to Shanghai,China next year for one year, maybe more and I would like to know some recommendations to get a health insurance. As I read, in China health insurance do not cover Remicade. I would like to know how much insurances and Remicade costs there. I got some doctors and hospitals where I can get Remicade:
Dr. RAN Zhihua. Shanghai Renji Hospital
Dr. LIU Zhanju. Shanghai Tenth People’s Hospital
Dr. ZHONG Jie. Shanghai RuiJin Hospital
However, I do not know which health insurances work with those doctors or/and hospitals and the way to contact to. Most of I found on the internet are on chinese and I do not speak chinese yet.
Thank you very much.
Hi there. I can't give you the answer you are looking for. However I was a patient of Dr. Ran Zhihua in Shanghai. He is a very nice doctor I have ever seen in China. It roughly costs 60K-80K RMB (Chinese Currency) for one treatment - a few IVs in China.

BTW, there are lots of patients that each doctor needs to see every day.
I rememer reading on here that a man in China had to pay $3,000 a month or an infusion, I'm not sure.
There is no way to cover Remicade by insurance in China. You almost have to pay remicade on your own in China. It is very expensive.

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