remicade question..please help..
hi-i know i keep asking the same thing--but still seems so confusing.
had my first remicade jan 25 (thursday) and have next one this thursday the 8th.
i was just wondering from anyone who takes remicade here:
how long did it take to help you?
were you on other meds at the same time-or not?
did you almost seem to get sicker in some ways?
ever since i starting tapering from entocort-oh-like 4 -or 3 weeks ago-hard to recall anymore--things went bad. 3 to 2 pills wasn't horrible-but i did notice i didn't feel as well (though-even on entocort-3 pills for 3 months--since dx-but when on entorcort-and pentasa-8 500mg day--i never went into remission-but did feel a bit better) but on 2 pills entocort-i got a bit worse. then-on one pill (after 3 weeks on 2) i went way downhill. cramps burning in colon (anal and rectal-and even deeper) and some throbbing pain on lower right side of abdomen (where terminal ileum is i guess--that is where my ulcers-or whatever-are)
anyway-also-low grade fever started again and extreme fatigue) i worried about anemia-but more about B12 deficiency) he put me right back on 3 pills entocort and i went to see him. he took tons of bloodwork. found my c-reactive protein was high-so knew it meant inflammation-flare not gone --and that i in fact don't have mild-moderate --but severe crohn's--i guess until on meds -and watching the agressiveness of inflammation-or if meds work or not-i guess that tells stage?--in i don't know...i am no dr)
but-he said it is time for either 6mp or remicade. he decided to go straight for remicade.
so a bit more than a week ago-i went in for the 2 hour infusion. went ok. i felt sick-but that is the crohns. i was actually hoping that in a few days i would be feeling better-like many say remicade helps in a few days.
nope. still sick.
still VERY tired. still have low grade fever--actually-i wonder about my thermometer-geting a new one. sometimes my temp is low-98.0 but mostly it is between 99.1-99.6 (my norm is 98.6-like most poeple i guess--and when first on entocort-it did for awhile get back to 98.6 for a good 2 months or more. -but since the taper to one pill-the dumb fever wont go away. and i feel it--the chills and feeling hot at the same time--feeling fluish-all that junk.
but-the cramps and burning--i take vicodin. he (dr) worries about the addictive thing--but "ef" it. i can not function without it. i tried just tylenol today-and ouldn't get through. and i have felt pain in past (before dx) and never took meds--so i am able to deal with a bit of pain-even chronic. i had that dumb chronic heartburn (very bad) for months (which turned out to not be acid reflux-but nerve-related-and the ativan .5 mg 3x day totally got rid of it. no heartburn for months now-since ativan. none of my dr's are concerned about the addictive quality of ativan-and i am releived that the heartburn is totally gone. it helps. and i thank the ativan. and this other pill: librax-(3xday) for cramps.
vicodin: taking 3-4 a day 7.5 mg.
without it i can't even sleep-feel too uncomfortable to even rest. i do get spotty sleep-but-no good. so-i am grateful for the pain med--and will fight for it if i have to.
but--i just hope the remicade kicks in soon.
my dr is hopeful it will work if not by 2nd infusion-then by the 3rd. i think he is upping the dose this week.
if it doesn't work-i think he meantioned adding 6mp.
i know prednisone may also be somewhere on the table if nothing else works--which i am thankful he is avoiding just now.
i am on the 3 pills (9mg) entocort-8 500 pentasa-ativan librax prozac and concerta. and vicodin. and ambien.
i just feel i am only getting sicker and sicker.
he said it is just i am in flare-and it won't go into remission easily.
i am still hopeful about the remicade--but-haven't been able to live in so long.
i know you all know what this is like.
it sucks.
i had to go out to get ---neds (ofcourse) and go to where i work to water plants and check in on things. and then to get my cat her food.
in just less than 3 hours out-on tylenol-no vicodin (casue i had to drive)-i came home feeling very very ill. fever went up. i was literally shaking...and i get these dizzy spells.
i also worry about how my endometriosis plays a role--it is also considered an autoimmune thing. i had blood to check hormones and thyroid etc.
who knows.
i just worry i may end up in hospital--that iwon't be able to get in remission without IV treatment--is that what happens?
just-feeling sicker-and it's confusing.
only good:
no diahrrea--but still --more stools than "normal"--and yellow in color.
i still don't eat much-rice pudding and potatos or crackers-sometimes with cheese-i can tolerate. but mostly rely on ensure.
i take all the supplements i know of.
anyone who has been on remicade--please-let me know if you also had trouble-or if it took a long time for it to work-or if you needed more than entocort and pentasa to go with it..
thanks for any replies
sorry so long
just-feeling so so awful for so long now
i am not so much depressed as i am just-
like all on here:
want my life back
but -at the same time-too sick to give a crap (pun intended)
please-ant help..please let me know...
hi-i know i keep asking the same thing--but still seems so confusing.
had my first remicade jan 25 (thursday) and have next one this thursday the 8th.
i was just wondering from anyone who takes remicade here:
how long did it take to help you?
were you on other meds at the same time-or not?
did you almost seem to get sicker in some ways?
ever since i starting tapering from entocort-oh-like 4 -or 3 weeks ago-hard to recall anymore--things went bad. 3 to 2 pills wasn't horrible-but i did notice i didn't feel as well (though-even on entocort-3 pills for 3 months--since dx-but when on entorcort-and pentasa-8 500mg day--i never went into remission-but did feel a bit better) but on 2 pills entocort-i got a bit worse. then-on one pill (after 3 weeks on 2) i went way downhill. cramps burning in colon (anal and rectal-and even deeper) and some throbbing pain on lower right side of abdomen (where terminal ileum is i guess--that is where my ulcers-or whatever-are)
anyway-also-low grade fever started again and extreme fatigue) i worried about anemia-but more about B12 deficiency) he put me right back on 3 pills entocort and i went to see him. he took tons of bloodwork. found my c-reactive protein was high-so knew it meant inflammation-flare not gone --and that i in fact don't have mild-moderate --but severe crohn's--i guess until on meds -and watching the agressiveness of inflammation-or if meds work or not-i guess that tells stage?--in i don't know...i am no dr)
but-he said it is time for either 6mp or remicade. he decided to go straight for remicade.
so a bit more than a week ago-i went in for the 2 hour infusion. went ok. i felt sick-but that is the crohns. i was actually hoping that in a few days i would be feeling better-like many say remicade helps in a few days.
nope. still sick.
still VERY tired. still have low grade fever--actually-i wonder about my thermometer-geting a new one. sometimes my temp is low-98.0 but mostly it is between 99.1-99.6 (my norm is 98.6-like most poeple i guess--and when first on entocort-it did for awhile get back to 98.6 for a good 2 months or more. -but since the taper to one pill-the dumb fever wont go away. and i feel it--the chills and feeling hot at the same time--feeling fluish-all that junk.
but-the cramps and burning--i take vicodin. he (dr) worries about the addictive thing--but "ef" it. i can not function without it. i tried just tylenol today-and ouldn't get through. and i have felt pain in past (before dx) and never took meds--so i am able to deal with a bit of pain-even chronic. i had that dumb chronic heartburn (very bad) for months (which turned out to not be acid reflux-but nerve-related-and the ativan .5 mg 3x day totally got rid of it. no heartburn for months now-since ativan. none of my dr's are concerned about the addictive quality of ativan-and i am releived that the heartburn is totally gone. it helps. and i thank the ativan. and this other pill: librax-(3xday) for cramps.
vicodin: taking 3-4 a day 7.5 mg.
without it i can't even sleep-feel too uncomfortable to even rest. i do get spotty sleep-but-no good. so-i am grateful for the pain med--and will fight for it if i have to.
but--i just hope the remicade kicks in soon.
my dr is hopeful it will work if not by 2nd infusion-then by the 3rd. i think he is upping the dose this week.
if it doesn't work-i think he meantioned adding 6mp.
i know prednisone may also be somewhere on the table if nothing else works--which i am thankful he is avoiding just now.
i am on the 3 pills (9mg) entocort-8 500 pentasa-ativan librax prozac and concerta. and vicodin. and ambien.
i just feel i am only getting sicker and sicker.
he said it is just i am in flare-and it won't go into remission easily.
i am still hopeful about the remicade--but-haven't been able to live in so long.
i know you all know what this is like.
it sucks.
i had to go out to get ---neds (ofcourse) and go to where i work to water plants and check in on things. and then to get my cat her food.
in just less than 3 hours out-on tylenol-no vicodin (casue i had to drive)-i came home feeling very very ill. fever went up. i was literally shaking...and i get these dizzy spells.
i also worry about how my endometriosis plays a role--it is also considered an autoimmune thing. i had blood to check hormones and thyroid etc.
who knows.
i just worry i may end up in hospital--that iwon't be able to get in remission without IV treatment--is that what happens?
just-feeling sicker-and it's confusing.
only good:
no diahrrea--but still --more stools than "normal"--and yellow in color.
i still don't eat much-rice pudding and potatos or crackers-sometimes with cheese-i can tolerate. but mostly rely on ensure.
i take all the supplements i know of.
anyone who has been on remicade--please-let me know if you also had trouble-or if it took a long time for it to work-or if you needed more than entocort and pentasa to go with it..
thanks for any replies
sorry so long
just-feeling so so awful for so long now
i am not so much depressed as i am just-
like all on here:
want my life back
but -at the same time-too sick to give a crap (pun intended)
please-ant help..please let me know...