Remicade side-effects...

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Jul 31, 2011
Hello everyone,

I have been on Remicade for close to two years now, and it keeps my Crohn's symptoms mostly under control, but I am getting really tired of all the side-effects. If I don't have a cold, flu or sinus infection, I have a skin infection or some kind of weird fungus, or I'm breaking out in hives... The list goes on. I'm wondering if anyone has had any luck coming off of Remicade.

Coming off of Remicade and going med free or switching to something else? I was recently taken off of Remicade because of the skin infections. If its causing more harm than good then switching to something else may be best. I'll be starting on Methotrexate soon in hopes that it will help me maintain remission. Talk to your GI about another option.
I'm looking to switch to something that won't give me a billion skin issues... I have an appointment with my GI in June, and I'm about to make an appointment with a dermatologist... I guess we'll see what they say.
hi Avee and welcome to the forum.
phew that's quite a lot of side effects.
maybe humira might work better for you as it has human protein in it instead of mouse. maybe its the protein you reacting to?

I have been on remicade for over a year and while it seems to be helping my Crohn's disease i can't stand the reactions anymore the first few infusions ended me in the hospital with flu like symptoms and then i got sick during another one and they gave me some drugs to counter act the effect and now for about 7months i have been breaking out with horrible burning rashes on my hands and feet and nothing takes away the pain. i have also had really bad leg cramps to the point where sleep is impossible. i want off the meds but my doctor doesn't advise it do i find a new doctor or is anyone experiencing this too..........
yes find a new doctor. people say you must weigh up the pros and cons, but you are suffering. what other treatments have you tried.