Remicade vs Humira

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Jul 10, 2013
I'll be starting one of these drugs in the near future. If given a choice what would you choose and why? Both will likely be 100% covered thankfully.
If you have fistulas, I'd say go with Remicade. It works to heal them the best. Otherwise I am not sure. I started with Remicade in 2003ish so Humira was not an option then.
Ds was on both.
Remicade worked better for him.
HUmira is more convient ( can be done at home) but burns like crazy.
Remicade is in infusion in the hospital but no pain.
remicade made his skin worse but all other symptoms gone.
Humira took almost 6 months to fully work and we are still not where he was with remicade.

He stopped remicade due to multiple allergic reactions.

Each person is different some do better with one than the other.
good luck.
It's hard to say but, if fistulas are the issue, Remicade has more cases to support how it can help with fistulizing CD.

I was on Remicade for a while but developed an allergy to it over time. While it seemed mild (mild skin blotchiness near the end of each infusion, some throat itchiness), my doc had me discontinue. I tried Cimzia after that and am now on Humira (although I was off for two months due to advancement flap surgery and concerns with healing).

So far none of them have worked for my main symptom (fistulas) but I'm hopefully the surgery/med combo will ultimately do the trick.

Best of luck!
Remicade worked for my fistulas. Humira does not.
Remicade is a Pain because it is an IV infusion every eight weeks where Humira is an at home injection every 2 weeks. But the injections are painful.
Humira is easy and healed my fistula...I guess everyone is different. I thought I read that Remicade is made with rat proteins.
Humira is easy and healed my fistula...I guess everyone is different. I thought I read that Remicade is made with rat proteins.

Yes, because humans have reactions to mouse proteins, it seems they went the way of the rat for this drug.

Humira uses Human protein.
I've been on both. Humira worked for my gut but did nothing for the secondary symptoms - joint pain, psoriasis, D. Remicade has worked very well & I enjoy the 3 hours I get to have away from the world. My infusion clinic is my "escape".
Thanks everybody. Finishing up the last of my twinrex shots and going for a tb test in march. I'm having some intermittent joint pain and relentless skin ulcers around the ostomy.